CCHPR has been commissioned to evaluate the New Horizons programme. New Horizons combines elements of financial inclusion, digital inclusion and employability delivered by employees hosted delivered from hubs in Peterborough, Wisbech, Kings Lynn and Cambridge with rural outreach. This project is...
Assessment of Student Housing Demand and Supply for Cambridge City Council and Oxford City Council
Cambridge City Council and Oxford City Council commissioned this study to inform planning policy with regard to the provision of student accommodation, and its impact upon housing need, within the two cities.
Government Policy and the Profile of Housing Provision in England
CCHPR were commissioned by Places for People to explore the impact on government policy on the profile of housing provision in England. It will consider the impact of the Housing and Planning Bill and other reforms to welfare, housing and planning policy on the social and affordable housing sector...
Downsizing and moving in later life - new build housing or existing stock?
This research explored why older households move in later life, the size of property they moved to and why they choose either new build housing or existing stock. It considered what the house building sector can learn from their experience and what opportunities that this presents to the house...
Multi generational living: potential opportunities for the house building sector?
This research for the NHBC Foundation analysed the scale and nature of multi generational living in England and explored the opportunities that this presents to the house building sector.
Evaluating the public health outcomes of the Cambridgeshire Time Credits Scheme
CCHPR's evaluation of the public health outcomes of the Cambridgeshire Time Credits project in Wisbech looked at the potential of the project to reduce health inequalities.
Identifying housing need in the horseracing industry
In order to inform its investment plans and future housing strategy Racing Homes wanted to ascertain the level of housing need currently experienced within the horse racing industry and, in particular, where they have existing housing stock. The aim of this research was to establish the degree and...
Promoting policy change to boost the supply of affordable housing
The project sought to influence (a) public policy on affordable housing supply policy instruments and (b) public understanding of policy measures that would increase the supply of affordable housing through the production of a short film, a policy workshop, and engagement with politicians and the...
Increasing housing supply: Research to support Lloyds Banking Group’s Housing Commission
This project provided evidence to support the Housing Commission in exploring what works to increase housing supply. It looked at a range of policy measures such as New Towns, bringing empty homes back into use, self build and custom build, the role of taxation in promoting housing supply and...
The 'Sight Loss is not Life Loss' project was funded by the Big Lottery Fund. It aimed to help people with sight loss to achieve greater independence, to reduce social isolation and to have greater access to information, advice, support and specialist equipment. The aim of the proposed research was...
Performance bonds for highways and water supplies for new housing developments
The NHBC, together with the NHBC Foundation, commissioned this research project to investigate the circumstances and consequences of performance bonds required by highways authorities and water supply companies for housing developments. The NHBC estimates that it is the provider of 80% of the...
Estimating the scale of youth homelessness in the UK
Centrepoint, the youth homeless charity, commissioned CCHPR to calculate up to date estimates of the number of young people experiencing homelessness in the UK during a year.
The aim of this research was to analyse the nature of planning constraints on the provision of housing. The research was commissioned by the House of Commons Communities and Local Government Committee.
The Managing Money Better (MMB) project has been evaluated in order to analyse the outcomes for vulnerable older people using the service. The project aimed to reach more vulnerable older people, particularly by providing money advice as a key element of housing and care options advice and support.
S106 Affordable Housing Provision: What is Going On?
This project aimed to find out what was happening on the ground to S106 negotiations and affordable housing delivery in a context of considerable uncertainty in the national and regional regulatory framework.
Forecasting and Managing Planning Obligations for Developer Contributions to Affordable Housing: A Feasibility Study
This feasibility study into how to improve the performance of S106 in delivering additional affordable housing comprised a policy and data review of the South West region, stakeholder interviews at national, regional and local levels, and four case studies from within the South West’s housing...
Good practice guide to delivering new affordable housing on S106 sites
The project aimed to explore current local planning authority practice, in order to identify which aspects contributed to the successful delivery of affordable housing on S106 sites.
A review and analysis of changes in the intermediate housing market in the East of England 2004-2007
The purpose of the research was to identify the changes in the intermediate housing market since a previous study into affordable housing of 2004, in terms of need/demand and supply, and to consider the implications for regional policy formulation and investment in the future.
Impact of worsening affordability on the demand for social housing
This project was a literature review of the impact of worsening market housing affordability on the demand for affordable housing, private renting, new household formation, and regional variations in these impacts.
Overview of availability and quality of Data Sources relevant to the work of the National Housing and Planning Advice Unit (NHPAU)
The National Housing and Planning Advice Unit (NHPAU) was an independent body set up to advise national and local government and other bodies on the affordability of market housing. Its creation followed Kate Barker’s Review of Housing Supply in 2004 and her recommendation for the creation of a...
Common starting points for S106 affordable housing negotiations
Communities and Local Government commissioned a two-stage research project to improve evidence on the dynamics of S106 negotiations for affordable housing and to explore what the best ‘common starting point’ (CSP) might be.
Practice guidance on affordable housing clauses in Section 106 agreements for local planning authorities in Wales
Through this project the Welsh Assembly Government aimed to provide practice guidance for local authorities in Wales on the drafting and application of affordable housing clauses in Section 106 (S106) agreements.
Taking the Gender Equality Duty into account in regeneration: Identifying good practice
This study assessed the degree to which gender is taken into consideration in regeneration schemes in the light of the Gender Equality Duty and identified best practice that could be used to aid the success of schemes elsewhere.
Low Cost Home Ownership: Affordability, risks and issues
The main purpose of this research was to analyse the impact of the recent housing market turbulence on the affordability of and demand for Low Cost Home Ownership products, and to explore the risks that this might present to social housing providers.
Domestic violence - assistance for adults without dependant children
Communities and Local Government commissioned Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research to carry out research on housing support for people at risk of domestic violence.
Low Cost Home Ownership and the credit crunch: Regional markets and competition with private developers
The aim of this study was to expand upon research conducted for the Housing Corporation, Low Cost Home Ownership: Affordability, Risks and Issues, in early 2008.
This project for Communities and Local Government built on two previous studies valuing planning obligations in England in 2003-04 and 2005-06. The study aimed to estimate the total number of agreements and obligations in 2007-08 and their value.
Contributing to the political debate on planning and affordable housing
This project, commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation aimed to understand in more detail the range of instruments that are proposed as means of achieving both local empowerment and higher levels of market and affordable housing and to clarify the potential benefits and costs of moving to a...