This study of patterns of housing tenure in England and London looked back at the period 1993 to 2010 and projected trends forward to 2025. It also looked at the tenure patterns for low to middle income households and families with children. The study was for the Resolution Foundation and Shelter.
Patterns of housing tenure in England have changed dramatically over the last twenty years. Looking forward, and depending upon the nature of economic recovery, there could be even greater change. Mortgaged home ownership could fall to little more than 25% of all households from over 40% in the early 1990s, and overall homeownership dropping from a high of around 70% to perhaps 62% in 2025. Private renting could increase by nearly 40% to house over 5.5 million households.
These are findings from a study by CCHPR for the Resolution Foundation and Shelter. The aim of the research was to look back at tenure patterns in the early 1990s and forward to 2025. Particular attention was given to low to middle income (LMI) households (the bottom 10% – 50% of the income distribution) and the position of households with children. Both groups of households have been at the centre of successive policy announcements by the government aimed at helping hard working families.
The report is in two parts:, firstly, an examination of the Government’s Survey of English Housing and its successor the English Housing Survey over the period 1993/94 to 2009/10, breaking the data down by tenure, region, household type and income; and then secondly, projecting trends forward to 2025 and exploring how tenure structures may develop under different economic scenarios.