Our report Healthy Communities: Place-based built environment interventions to reduce health inequalities by increasing physical activity intends to inform the development of Places for People’s place-based interventions to reduce health inequalities and to develop evaluation metrics for measuring the outcomes of interventions. This research focuses on the role of the place-based built environment interventions that are intended to increase physical activity and thus reduce health inequalities. This report investigates the effectiveness of three types of built environment interventions and the methods that are used to evaluate them. The three selected types of built environment interventions are walking/cycling routes, outdoor gyms and playgrounds.
The report was released on 27 September 2022 to coincide with National Fitness Week, to highlight the importance built environment professionals play in creating places where people can live more actively and healthily through an improved public realm.
To read what Places for People have to say about this report, visit their website.
Read the Healthy Communities Report here.