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The Community Infrastructure Levy came into force in April 2010 (DCLG, 2011a), allowing local authorities in England and Wales to raise funds from developers undertaking new building projects in their area. The money could be used to fund a wide range of infrastructure needed as a result of development. This research for the RICS explores the issues arising in the transition to the new system.

The Community Infrastructure Levy, with a scaled back S106, is broadly welcomed by local authorities and most local authorities are planning to introduce a CIL within the next three years. The main finding from the research is that, whilst seen as a positive change, there is still a lot of uncertainty about the CIL – how to develop the evidence base, how to determine an appropriate charging schedule, how to use S106 alongside the CIL and how to collect the CIL funds.


Gemma Burgess

Sarah Monk

Publication Date

18th June 2012