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Dr Gemma Burgess of CCHPR presented the findings of the evaluation of the public health outcomes of the Cambridgeshire Time Credits scheme at a launch at the University Centre, Granta Place in May 2017.

Evaluation of the public health outcomes of the Cambridgeshire Time Credits scheme: Launch Event

Dr Gemma Burgess of CCHPR presented the findings of the evaluation of the public health outcomes of the Cambridgeshire Time Credits scheme at a launch at the University Centre, Granta Place in May 2017.

The event was an opportunity to learn more about the research findings and how community engagement can be developed as a strategy for health improvement. 

Other speakers at the event were Dr Louise Lafortune, of Cambridge Institute for Public Health, Yannick Auckland, of Spice, Val Thomas of Cambridgeshire County Council's Public Health Directorate and Wendy Lansdown, Cambridgeshire County Council's Community Engagement Team. These were followed by a useful discussion on community engagement.

Gemma Burgess's presentation is available for download here. For the other presentations, please click on the links above.


Publication Date

May 2017