A paper by Caroline Lee, Gemma Burgess, Isla Kuhn, Andy Cowan and Louise Lafortune has been published in the journal Public Health.
Community Exchange and Time Currencies: A systematic and in-depth thematic review of impact on public health outcomes
Community exchange and time currencies: a systematic and in-depth thematic review of impact on public health outcomes provides interesting findings for practitioners and policymakers in the context of a boom in social prescribing initiatives, despite its claim that the overall direct health impact of research is neither reliable nor generalisable.
Although few published studies of time currencies robustly measure health or well-being, and none report costs, the same studies contain rich narratives of positive impact on health, well-being and broader community outcomes. There is an urgent need to address outcome measurement in community-based initiatives to support public health practice. The authors conclude that a theory-driven approach to investigating time currencies could reveal underpinning mechanisms and pathways to impact.
Lee, C., Burgess, G., Kuhn, I., Cowan, A. and Lafortune, L. (2020) Community exchange and time currencies: a systematic and in-depth thematic review of impact on public health outcomes. Public Health, 180, pp. 117-128.