The DWP commissioned CCHPR to undertake a series of qualitative interviews with households affected by the Benefit Cap.
The Benefit Cap was brought in over the summer of 2013 and limited working age benefits for out of work households to £500 a week for families and couples, and £350 for single person households. The research carried out by CCHPR added to the DWP's understanding of the impact of the Cap on affected benefit claimants and explored the ways in which claimants had responded to the introduction of the Cap.
In-depth interviews with people affected by the benefit cap
This research, for the Department for Work and Pensions, looked at the impact of the Benefit Cap. The Benefit Cap was brought in over the summer of 2013 and limited working age benefits for out of work households to £500 a week for families and couples, and £350 for single person households. The research added to the DWP’s understanding of the impact of the Cap on affected benefit claimants and explored the ways in which claimants responded to the introduction of the Cap. The first study was based on 50 in-depth interviews with households whose benefits had been capped, and explored the impact on work, seeking work, mobility, household structure, incomes, wellbeing, and attitudes to work and benefits.