Alan Holmans has produced a new report on the Household Projections in England: Their History and Uses. Household projections are an important tool for estimating future housing demand and need and the land supply required if all households are to be adequately housed.
Household Projections in England: Their History and Uses by Alan Holmans, is now available. Household projections are an important tool for estimating future housing demand and need and the land supply required if all households are to be adequately housed. Household projections were first developed after the 1931 Census based on evidence on actual numbers of households from 1861 to 1931. These showed a close relationship between population and households. The 1951 Census gave actual headship rates for the first time, which also showed a stable relationship between population and households. However, this relationship started to break down with rising affluence and there were also large scale changes in the mix of household types as divorce and separation as well as lone parents became more numerous, and this together with increases in projected population resulted in upward revisions to the projections.