In-depth interviews with people affected by the benefit cap
This research, for the Department for Work and Pensions, looked at the impact of the Benefit Cap. The Benefit Cap was brought in over the summer of 2013 and limited working age benefits for out of work households to £500 a week for families and couples, and £350 for single person households. The...
Poverty focussed review of housing organisations’ strategic and business plans - Initial Report
This report presents the findings from the first stage of a project that is exploring where poverty fits within the strategies, policies and business plans of local authorities, housing associations and private landlords.
A matter of choice? RSL rents and home ownership: a comparison of costs: Sector Study 2
This Sector Study examines the gap between the weekly costs of home ownership and RSL rents over the last decade and how this varies across the country and the implications for RSLs when setting their rents.
This report was commissioned by the Housing Department of the States of Jersey to review the need for social housing in Jersey, and to make recommendations on the future ownership and management of the States’ social housing stock.
Adapt and Survive: Housing Associations' response to changes in housing policy at the beginning of the new century: Dataspring Discussion Paper 5
Using data from the RSR and CORE, this paper examines recent changes in the Housing Association (HA) sector and interprets these in the light of changing emphases in government housing policy.
Affordability of Housing Association Rents: Rent-to-Income Ratio vs. Residual Income
This paper examines residual income measures to investigate the impact of housing association rents on individual household’s capacity to afford an adequate standard of living.
Affordable Housing and Local Development Frameworks: Developing an Evidence Base
This guide identifies the main components of an affordable housing evidence base and shows how this can be used to inform policies set out in a local development framework.
CCHPR has made a short film on promoting policy change to boost the supply of affordable housing. The film sets out the problem of a low level of house building in the UK, relative to needs, and looks at the policy options to address the low level of production.
Affordable housing in London: who expects to move and where?: Sector Study 39
This Sector Study focuses on the London region and sets out the currently available evidence on who intends and expects to move, where and why? It also goes on to look at mobility schemes and how well they are working to help people realise their aspirations.
Almshouse charities have been active in providing social housing, mostly for older people, for centuries. This Sector Study provides background information and descriptive data about the almshouse charities registered with the TSA.
Analysis of distribution and rents of properties with five or more bedrooms, 2006/07
This paper explores the extent to which housing associations (HAs) were providing dwellings for large family households who require four bedrooms or more, and the extent to which there was a shortfall in such provision. It examines the available stock of larger units; the ownership structure of...
Analysis of the private rented sector in Richmond upon Thames and surrounding areas
Richmond Council, together with Richmond Housing Partnership, commissioned this short piece of work to help form the evidence base of their tenancy strategy. This research examined the operation of the private rented sector in Richmond and nearby with a particular focus on the availability of...
Annual Analysis of the current pattern of Registered Social Landlord rents 2007/08
The report examines the RSL rent patterns over the period from 2001/02 to 2007/08. It also looks at changes in rents over the same period at different spatial levels; rents by property size; and finally the rent relativities between neighbouring local authorities.
At your service: Housing association rents and service charges for supported housing and housing for older people
This report describes the pattern of average housing association rents and service charges for the combined categories, supported housing and housing for older people (supported housing /HOP), which were collected for the first time in 2005.
Building an effective safety net for home owners and the housing market
This report examines the current state of the safety net for home owners who get into difficulty. It also highlights the current uncertainties regarding government policy in this area. the report sets out some options for the future that government might consider.
Capturing planning gain – The transition from Section 106 to the Community Infrastructure Levy
The Community Infrastructure Levy came into force in April 2010 (DCLG, 2011a), allowing local authorities in England and Wales to raise funds from developers undertaking new building projects in their area. The money could be used to fund a wide range of infrastructure needed as a result of...
Census Briefing Paper One: Housing Tenure Structure in England in 2001
The aim of this paper is to report on the relative importance of social housing and Housing Association (HA) housing in England in a spatial format, as reported in the 2001 Census.
Census Briefing Paper Three: Tenure changes between 1991 and 2001: The importance of the RSL sector
The aim of this paper is to assess the absolute importance of the social housing sector and within this, how the Housing Association (HA) sector has geographically changed in comparison with the 1991 Census.
Census Briefing Paper Two: Profile of the HA Dwelling Stock: the RSR 2001 and the Census 2001, An Update
The paper compares the Regulatory and Statistical Return (RSR) and the Census surveys in 2001 to assess the evidence on the number of dwelling units within the Housing Association (HA) sector.
Changing Affordability across the Major Tenures, 2002/03–2006/07
This briefing paper examines the affordability in the housing associating (HA) sector over the period 2002/03–2006/07. It also compares the position of HA tenants with those in the private rented and owner-occupier sector.
Common Starting Points for S106 Affordable Housing Negotiations
This report has been drawn upon by CLG to inform the development of the Community Infrastructure Levy. The aim was to explore current LPA practice, to evaluate the relative merits of different CSPs, consider issues such as a single CSP and identify whether the adoption of CSPs would be beneficial.
This paper compares housing association (HA) gross rents, HA net rents, local authority (LA) rents, private sector rents and owner-occupation user costs to clarify the trends and relationships between housing expenditures across tenures. The comparison is carried out using the datasets for the...
Comparing Rents and User Costs, 2005/06 and 2001/02
This paper examines how housing association (HA) rents relate to costs in other tenures in 2005/06 and 2001/02, the year before target rents were introduced. It compares HA rents, local authority rents, private sector rents and owner-occupation user costs at national, regional and LA levels and for...
Comparing the Costs of Owner Occupation with RSL Rents: A Geographical Analysis: Dataspring Discussion Paper 3
This study examines changes in house prices, RSL rents and the comparative costs of low cost home ownership and RSL renting over the decade 1989/90 to 1998/99.
Comparison between Housing Association Sector and Private Sector Rental Rates of Return across England: 1998/99 to 2006/07
The report examines the spatial pattern of rental rates of return in the housing association sector as compared to those observed in the private rented sector between 1998/99 and 2006/07 at national as well as at lower geographical levels. It also looks at rate differentials between the two sectors...
Comparison of registered social landlord rents with owner occupier costs, 1998/99 to 2006/07
The report illustrates the recent development of owner-occupation (OO) costs at the lower priced property market and compares OO costs with registered social landlord (RSL) rents. It also examines the relationship between OO costs and RSL rents from 1998/99 to 2006/07 at different spatial levels.
Comparison of stock, rents and service charges among different types of social landlords - Baseline study: 2007/08
This paper draws comparisons of stock, rents and service charges between four different types of social landlord; Traditional mixed funded Registered Social LandLords (RSLs); RSLs who have taken over local authority stock via Large Scale Voluntary Transfer; Local authorities (retention LAs); and...
Comparison of stock, rents and service charges among different types of social landlords: 2008/09
In 2009, Dataspring undertook comparative analyses between these four types of social landlords on stock, rents and service charges. Following that baseline study, this paper updates the analysis and further investigates whether or not substantial differences exist between these landlords...