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Cambridge Centre for Housing & Planning Research


Affinity Sutton commissioned this work from CCHPR to update and build on the definitions of affordability discussed in previous work on market-pegged social rents and local income distributions to determine rent levels that may be deemed affordable according to local incomes and/or earnings, taking account of the impact of geography, household size/composition and the current changes in welfare benefits.


Project Publications:

Housing costs, affordability and rent setting

CCHPR have published a research paper into the methodology for understanding local affordability and rents among social tenants. The research, which was commissioned by Affinity Sutton, is being published to contribute to the affordability debate across the sector. One key finding from the research is that while in the past many rent policies have held down rents on larger properties to assist families, those actually most likely to be helped off benefits through lower rents are smaller households without children.

CCHPR Contact

For further information, please contact the Administrator.


Affinity Sutton

Project Start Date

1st September 2013
