Richmond Ehwi has co-authored a paper on pubic perceptions of languardism in Ghana. Published by Land Use Policy, the paper elaborates on the political and policy implications of mitigating landguardism.
Previous studies have qualitatively explored the drivers of this phenomenon from the perspectives of both state agencies and landguards themselves. Despite the insights uncovered, an understanding of the public perceptions surrounding the factors driving landguardism in Ghana is still lacking. This paper fills this critical gap by drawing on data from 172 residents living in both the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area and the Greater Kumasi Area in order to ascertain their perceptions about the main factors driving landguardism in Ghana. The results from the authors' exploratory factor analysis show that (1) challenges with state-led land rights formalisation, (2) customary land maladministration, (3) government policy failures in housing and land markets, (4) reliable and cost-effective landguard services, and (5) challenges with seeking legal redress, are the five main drivers of landguardism in Ghana.
Ehwi, RJ and Mawuli, DA (2021) 'Landguardism’ in Ghana: Examining public perceptions about the driving factors, Land Use Policy, Volume 109. DOI: