The University of Cambridge has profiled CCHPR's evaluation of the New Horizons programme in its spotlight on research in the East of England.
The March 2019 edition of the University of Cambridge's Research Horizons magazine focuses on some of the research and outreach activities that have grown out of the long-standing relationship that the University has with the East of England. A global institution, the University is very firmly rooted in the region, and during the month of April, the University will be featuring research and outreach activities carried out by Cambridge academics across the East of England.
Whilst acknowledging that this part of the UK has many advantages, it is equally important to recognise that it also faces many challenges and the University takes seriously its responsibility to help address some of these challenges. Louise Walsh's article, Living on the edge, looks at CCHPR's evaluation of the New Horizons Programme and includes an insightful short video interview with Lynne McAulay, who is managing the programme, and Gemma Burgess, who is leading the evaluation.
The programme provides one to one coaching support for people living those challenges in some of the most disadvantaged wards in England, and is seeing great results in terms of helping those furthest away from the job market to get back into work.