Analysis of FirstStop local partner client case studies: Did clients benefit long term from the housing options support they received?
FirstStop Advice is an independent, free service offering advice and information for older people, their families and carers about housing and care options in later life funded by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG). It is led by the charity Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC...
Analysis of the potential value for money to the public purse of the Lincolnshire Home Improvement Agency Housing Options Advice service
This report analyses the potential savings to the public purse of the Lincolnshire Home Improvement Agency (LHIA) housing options advice service. The methodology builds on research conducted for the large scale evaluation of the national FirstStop service conducted by the University of Cambridge.
Riverside Housing Group published the first output from a three year longitudinal study tracking the lives of 20 tenants and exploring how they respond to financial changes and welfare reform. Anna Clarke, from CCHPR, supported the project in an advisory capacity. This first report presented the...
Economic analysis of the Wisbech travel to work area
The University of Cambridge was commissioned to undertake an economic analysis of the Wisbech travel to work area in order to help address the current and future challenges facing Wisbech and to maximise the opportunities available to the town and its surrounding area as set out in the Wisbech 2020...
There is increasing interest in the role that the use of equity release products can play in coping with some of the pressures of an ageing population. This study analysed what was already known about the use of equity release products by older homeowners in order to identify what might be valuable...
Equity release round table event November 7th Nuffield Foundation
The Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research at the University of Cambridge has been funded by the Nuffield Foundation to explore the key current issues shaping equity release by older home owners. As part of this research a round table discussion was held on 7 November 2012, in London...
The reports present the findings from an ongoing evaluation by the Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research, which is analysing and informing the development of the FirstStop service. The new initiative aims to provide older people, their families and carers with a one-stop shop for...
Evaluation of Removal of the Spare Room Subsidy: Interim Report
The Interim Report from the Evaluation of the Removal of the Spare Room Subsidy (often referred to as the 'bedroom tax'), carried out jointly by CCHPR and Ipsos Mori, has been published. The report explores the effects of the cuts to Housing Benefit for working age social housing tenants who are...
Evaluation of the FirstStop information and advice initiative for older people: findings 2011/2012
A comprehensive information and advice service enabling older people to better plan ahead for their future housing and care needs is a key requirement if Britain is to cope successfully with its ageing society. The evaluation of FirstStop shows how it is helping older people to make difficult...
Evaluation of the FirstStop information and advice service for older people, their families and carers
FirstStop is an initiative intended to explore ways and means of expanding the accessibility and reach of good quality information and advice (I&A) for older people, their families and carers around housing and care issues. Its value framework is about empowering older people to make informed...
Evaluation of the FirstStop information and advice service for older people, their families and carers - summary report
A summary of the evaluation to 2012 was published, showing the continued success of the service. It was included as an insert in the 26th April issue of The House parliamentary magazine which is sent to all MPs and Peers.
This research project is evaluating the FirstStop information and advice service for older people, their families and carers that is funded partly by Communities and Local Government (CLG) and the Big Lottery Fund (BLF).
FirstStop Advice is a service providing information and advice about care and housing options in later life for older people, their families and carers. The Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research at the University of Cambridge is undertaking an independent evaluation of the FirstStop...
Impact of welfare reform on housing associations – 2012 Baseline report
The National Housing Federation has commissioned Ipsos MORI and Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research to assess how welfare reform impacts across the housing association sector in England. The first component of the research programme is to establish baseline data and understand pre-...
Intended and unintended consequences? A case study survey of housing associations and welfare reforms
The National Housing Federation has commissioned Ipsos MORI and Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research to assess how welfare reform impacts across the housing association sector in England. The baseline report was published in late 2012 and this case report builds on that baseline...
International review of land supply and planning systems
The Joseph Rowntree Foundation published an international review of land supply and planning systems conducted by CCHPR, looking at what works and whether successful mechanisms from other countries could be transferred to the UK context. The review suggested that land supply was a key issue...
Making informed decisions on housing options: the value of advice and support for older people
Making informed decisions on housing options: the value of advice and support for older people – paper presented at the ENHR Conference in Tarragona by Dr Gemma Burgess and Dr Nicky Morrison.
Mechanisms to increase housing land supply in England and Wales
A recent review conducted by CCHPR identified measures taken successfully in other countries to bring land forward for housing (Monk et al, 2013). However, it showed that in England and Wales many of these mechanisms are already available or in place in some form. This new research funded by the...
Presentation of FirstStop evaluation research findings
Dr Gemma Burgess presented findings from the evaluation of the FirstStop information and advice service for older people at a series of conferences organised by Care & Repair. The conferences, ‘In our own hands: Improving information and advice for later life decision making’ were attended by...
Reality dawns – the impact of welfare reform on housing associations: a mid-2014 view
The National Housing Federation commissioned Ipsos MORI and Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research to assess the impacts of the 2012 Welfare Reform Act across the housing association sector in England. This is the third and final report of the series.
Reselling shared ownership properties after improvements
This short report, commissioned by Thames Valley Housing Association explores the process of reselling shared ownership properties in situations where owners have made improvements, increasing the value of their home. It explores the relative merits of different systems in use for valuing the...
Scoping study on service use by the Cambridgeshire D/deaf communities
This study explored the use of different services in Cambridgeshire by people who are D/deaf. The research identified several gaps in knowledge about particular groups within the D/deaf community as well as gaps in services in Cambridgeshire.
The changing delivery of planning gain through Section 106 and the Community Infrastructure Levy
The aim of this research was to consider the issues shaping the delivery of planning obligations through S106 and to explore the potential impact of the new Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), particularly on the delivery of affordable housing.
This research suggests that it is economic pressures rather than government policies which have been most important in changing the role of private renting across Europe. The research, undertaken by LSE London with the Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research and experts from Denmark...