Affordable housing and institutional investment in Australia
This report presents the latest insights into new ways of financing much needed affordable rental housing in Australia, especially by attracting large scale institutional investors into the field.
Evaluation of Enhanced Housing Options Trailblazers programme: Final report
This project evaluated the implementation, operation and success of the Enhanced Housing Options Trailblazers programmes. These aimed to develop innovative approaches to delivering housing services, extending to wider client groups and linking housing advice to wider advice about a range of issues...
Evaluation of new lighting intervention schemes being undertaken by benevolent trusts - Project Report
This research, funded by the Thomas Pocklington Trust evaluated the impact of lighting improvements made to the homes of people with sight loss living in London and the North West of England during 2013-15.
Evaluation of Removal of the Spare Room Subsidy: Final Report
The Final Report from the Evaluation of the Removal of the Spare Room Subsidy (often referred to as the 'bedroom tax'), carried out jointly by CCHPR and Ipsos Mori, has been published. The report explores the effects of the cuts to Housing Benefit for working age social housing tenants who are...
Experimental review of the Cambridge Travel to Work Area (TTWA) as a tool for informing local housing policy - including a study of the Ely housing market in the context of the Cambridge TTWA
Travel To Work Areas are used primarily to understand local labour markets, but are also used in housing planning. However, TTWAs do not allow for overlap. Taking Cambridge as their example, Chihiro Udagawa and Dr Paul Sanderson identified commuting areas for Cambridge that lie within the...
The purpose of this work was to bring together and so make more accessible historical statistical information about housing in Britain. It is intended as a work of reference.
Household income distribution estimates: The example of Pay to Stay impacts in Local Authority areas in two English regions
Drawing on household income distributions, this pilot study estimates the localised impact and scale of Pay to Stay (PTS) for London and the West Midlands. The test results show that the new social rent regime will affect local authority (LA) areas unevenly – Pay to Stay affected household (PTS HH...
Identifying housing need in the horseracing industry - Report
The aim of this research was to establish the degree and nature of current unmet need for affordable housing amongst racing staff and to make recommendations as to how that need may best be met.
The first working paper of the evaluation of the public health outcomes of the Cambridgeshire Time Credits project in Wisbech has just been published. It provides an overview of time banking and time credits. Part of the NIHR funded Public Health Practice Evaluation Scheme (PHPES), the aim of the...
Multi generational living: potential opportunities for the house building sector?
This research for the NHBC Foundation analysed the scale and nature of multi generational living in England and explored the opportunities that this presents to the house building sector.
Research on the effect of rent stabilisation measures in London
The London Assembly’s Housing Committee commissioned this study as part of an investigation into the likely impact of a range of rent stabilisation measures on London’s housing market.
Road and sewer bonds in England and Wales – report to the NHBC
The NHBC Foundation commissioned this research to investigate the circumstances and consequences of performance bonds required by highways authorities and water supply companies for housing developments.
The effects of rent controls on supply and markets
This project, commissioned by Shelter, explored the possible effects of different rent control scenarios on the operation of the Private Rented Sector in England. Six different rent control options were considered, proposing different limits to rents and changes to security of tenure.
Understanding the likely poverty impacts of the extension of Right to Buy to housing association tenants
This report, commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, examines the impact of the extension of the Right to Buy to housing association tenants, and the sale of higher value local authority dwellings, which will provide the funding for the Right to Buy. The analysis first estimates the likely...
Variations in house building rates between local authorities in England
CCHPR has examined the evidence for the assertion that some locations have much higher levels of house building than others. Here we present some basic data. CHHPR intends to carry out further work to explore the reasons for the variations.