This research was undertaken in order to provide an assessment of affordability of housing association and local authority rents when pegged at given ratios of prevailing market rents within Cambridge City and the housing sub-market.
This project involved conducting a cost benefit analysis of lighting adaptations for the Thomas Pocklington Trust, a charity providing housing, care and support for people with sight loss in the UK. The output compares the costs of lighting adaptations to estimates of the costs of falls by elderly...
Estimating the impacts of the changes in S106 with the introduction of CIL on the quantity of affordable housing delivered
This project, conducted jointly with the University of Sheffield, estimated the impacts of the changes in Section 106 (S106), with the introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL, on the quantity of affordable housing delivered for the National Housing Federation.
Facing the future: The future role and financing of social housing
The Housing Futures Network commissioned CCHPR to produce new work looking at the future of the social housing sector. The work looked at the future options for financing the sector, and the implications of the latest policy reforms, including welfare reform, housing benefits and under-occupation.
The National Housing Federation, in partnership with CCHPR, explored possible models for investment in new affordable homes. This research contributes to that work.
This comprises six short papers, commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, to help address the questions asked in the Labour Party Housing Review. The papers are on Planning, Places, Housing Supply, Owner Occupation, Social Renting and the Private Rented Sector.
This project examined the affordability of rents set as percentages of open-market prices, as proposed in the HCA's Affordable Rents Framework. The project reviewed the literature on affordability, and looked at data on recent trends in new lettings in the social sector.
Older people’s views of service provision in Cambridge
This project was a collaboration between CCHPR, the Department of Geography and the Office of External Affairs and Communications at the University of Cambridge. A study was conducted on behalf of the Cambridge Older Peoples Reference Group (COPRG) to explore older people’s views of services in the...
Market Intelligence toolkit for Orbit Housing Group
This project involved tightly focused research to critically assess the market intelligence that Orbit needed to develop in support of effective decision making over future decades in terms of asset management, investment and potential expansion.
Providing the evidence base for housing needs assessments
This short project for Shelter sought to explore the appetite of both representatives from the housing supply sector and local planning authorities for additional guidance in the current policy context. In particular, PPS3 required an evidence base for affordable housing targets yet overall housing...
Qualitative study on the impact of welfare reforms on Riverside tenants
Riverside Housing undertook a study with the aim of gaining a more detailed understanding of the impact of welfare reforms and wider economic change on Riverside households. Anna Clarke, from CCHPR, was an advisor on the project.
This project for the Local Better Regulation Office reviewed the existing policy, practice and academic literature relating to the citizen in regulation, encompassing citizen involvement and participation, co-regulation and co-production. The intention was to highlight potentially fruitful areas...
The impact of the recent financial crisis on planning for affordable housing in England
This research aimed to identify: (1) how S106 was being used in very different market conditions and whether it could still work to deliver sufficient affordable housing; (2) how preparations for new policies that wpuld affect affordable housing delivery, such as the Community Infrastructure Levy (...
The role of the planning system in delivering housing choice for older Londoners
This project looked into the housing needs of older people in London for the Greater London Authority. It was commissioned as a ‘think piece’, looking specifically at the role of the planning system in helping to ensure that older Londoners have a genuine choice of homes that they can afford and...
Understanding the second-hand market for shared ownership properties
Thames Valley Housing Association and the National Housing Federation commissioned CCHPR to carry out research into the secondary market for shared ownership properties. The research examined national data sources on resales and involved a survey of all major shared ownership providers on resales...