The Interim Report from the Evaluation of the Removal of the Spare Room Subsidy (often referred to as the 'bedroom tax'), carried out jointly by CCHPR and Ipsos Mori, has been published. The report explores the effects of the cuts to Housing Benefit for working age social housing tenants who are deemed to be under-occupying their home.
The Interim Report from the Evaluation of the Removal of the Spare Room Subsidy, carried out jointly by CCHPR and Ipsos Mori, has been published. The report explores the effects of the cuts to Housing Benefit for working age social housing tenants who are deemd to be under-occupying their home.
The Removal of the Spare Room Subisdy was introduced in April 2013. These interim findings report on the first eight months of the policy and drew on surveys of tenants affected by the policy, social landlords and local authorities thoughout Britain. Detailed case study work in 10 case study local authorities was also undertaken.
The report includes a summary of the key findings.
The final stage of the evaluation will be undertaken later in 2014 with the final report to be published in 2015. Findings on the Benefit Cap will be published separately later in 2014.
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