Dr Gemma Burgess, Director of CCHPR, is a Co-Investigator on the £72m Construction Innovation Hub, a partnership between the Centre for Digital Built Britain (CDBB), the Building Research Establishment (BRE), and the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC).
The Centre for Digital Built Britain is a partnership between the Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy and the University of Cambridge to deliver a smart digital economy for infrastructure and construction for the future and transform the UK construction industry’s approach to the way we plan, build, maintain and use our social and economic infrastructure.
As part of the Construction Innovation Hub, the Centre for Digital Built Britain is working with four leading University of Cambridge academics, Dr Gemma Burgess, Prof. Michael Barrett, Dr Ajith Parlikad and Dr Mohamed Zaki, to coordinate, collaborate and champion a national, multidisciplinary research community. Announcing the funding in 2018, Business and Industry Minister Richard Harrington stressed the importance of the Construction Innovation Hub in galvanising the UK construction sector to revolutionise infrastructure through digitisation and innovation, and, through industry-wide collaboration, to transform the way buildings and infrastructure are designed, manufactured, integrated and connected within the built environment.
For more details, visit the CDBB website and the Construction Innovation Hub website.
Hannah Holmes took part in a podcast hosted by Emma Rosser, Estate Gazette's residential editor, in August 2021. Resi Talks: How to unlock MMC at scale discusses the benefits of MMC, the barriers to growth and getting housebuilders on board with rolling out MMC on a larger scale.
A paper by Richmond Ehwi and colleagues from the Centre for Digital Built Britain has been published by Sustainable CIties and Society.
The paper explores how digital technology offers opportunities to understand and model solutions to the multiple issues facing society. It looks twenty years ahead to 2040 and explores four scenarios and identifies key strategies that can lead to the sustainable development of the Built Environment, outlining a number of actions, based on digital technology and a green information economy, that should be combined with the path for recovery from Covid-19 and ensure a future better for everyone in a digital built Britain.
Gurder Broo, D., Lamb, K., Ehwi, R.J., Pärn, E., Koronaki, A., Makric, C. and Zomer, T. (2020) Built environment of Britain in 2040: Scenarios and strategies. Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 65, 2021, 102645. DOI:
Locating OSM: Offsite construction is firmly on the agenda, but where exactly is ‘offsite’?, a blog by Hannah Holmes and Gemma Burgess, has been published by CCHPR.