Communities and Local Government commissioned a two-stage research project to improve evidence on the dynamics of S106 negotiations for affordable housing and to explore what the best ‘common starting point’ (CSP) might be.
The Government’s consultation paper Changes to Planning Obligations: A Planning-gain Supplement included a proposal for a common starting point for developer contributions to affordable housing (paragraphs 48-60) in response to criticism of the current arrangement as lacking predictability for developers as to the value of the contribution likely to be sought from them.
The aim of this research was to explore current LPA practice to establish whether LPAs have CSPs and what these are, to evaluate the relative merits of different CSPs, consider issues such as a single CSP and identify whether the adoption of CSPs would be beneficial.
Common Starting Points for S106 Affordable Housing Negotiations
This report has been drawn upon by CLG to inform the development of the Community Infrastructure Levy. The aim was to explore current LPA practice, to evaluate the relative merits of different CSPs, consider issues such as a single CSP and identify whether the adoption of CSPs would be beneficial.