This research looks at how household composition and housing characteristics impact adherence to COVID-19 health and safety protocols in a developing country context. The research takes the Kumasi Metropolitan Area - Ghana’s second-largest metropolis - as a case study. A focus group discussion with households who experienced government-imposed lockdown in March 2020 and a round table discussion with policymakers and key stakeholders involved in the financing, development and regulation of housing in Ghana will inform a paper setting out a fit-for-purpose housing policy that is sensitive for the Ghanaian context and a pandemic-prone world. Kumasi Technical University.
This research is a collaboration between Richmond Ehwi and his Ghanaian collaborator, Dr Lewis Abedi Asante. It is supported by the Cambridge-Africa ALBORADA Research Fund which aims to catalyse new and strengthen existing collaborations between researchers in Africa and Cambridge and support high quality training activities.