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This report for the Evaluation of the New Horizons programme provides evidence about the impact of personalised coaching for people facing financial, digital and workplace exclusion.

Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research Centre has been evaluating the New Horizons Building Better Opportunities programme, which targets financial and digital inclusion, and provides employment support, over the last two years.

Complex and entrenched issues of poverty, deprivation and social exclusion can lead to a vicious downward spiral, often resulting in severe poverty and even homelessness. Furthermore, digital exclusion, often mistakenly believed to be a challenge only for older people, can affect younger adults of working age who need digital skills to access the benefits system, support services and employment opportunities.
The report provides evidence as to how the programme progressively empowers participants in the programme through one to one coaching, helping to solve entrenched money-related issues and increase employability, whilst also improving confidence, self-esteem and psychological stability.



Valentine Quinio

Dr Gemma Burgess

Publication Date

July 2019