Input into the consultation on the abolition of the Regional Spatial Strategies
CCHPR were commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation to assist in submitting their consultation response for the inquiry into the abolition of regional spatial strategies. The consultation focussing particularly on the implications for house building.
Evaluating the Women’s Design Group project for the Women’s Design Service
This project evaluated the Women’s Design Group project for the Women’s Design Service, reflecting on the success of the project and making recommendations for taking the initiative forward.
The future of inclusive design: the success of initiatives aiming to reduce inequality in spatial planning and the built environment
The aim of the research was to explore the success of equality-related initiatives in the field of spatial planning and the built environment. CCHPR worked with Women’s Design Groups, Disability Access Groups and Inclusive Design Groups.
The impact of the recent financial crisis on planning for affordable housing in England
This research aimed to identify: (1) how S106 was being used in very different market conditions and whether it could still work to deliver sufficient affordable housing; (2) how preparations for new policies that wpuld affect affordable housing delivery, such as the Community Infrastructure Levy (...
Older people’s views of service provision in Cambridge
This project was a collaboration between CCHPR, the Department of Geography and the Office of External Affairs and Communications at the University of Cambridge. A study was conducted on behalf of the Cambridge Older Peoples Reference Group (COPRG) to explore older people’s views of services in the...
Estimating the impacts of the changes in S106 with the introduction of CIL on the quantity of affordable housing delivered
This project, conducted jointly with the University of Sheffield, estimated the impacts of the changes in Section 106 (S106), with the introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL, on the quantity of affordable housing delivered for the National Housing Federation.
This project involved conducting a cost benefit analysis of lighting adaptations for the Thomas Pocklington Trust, a charity providing housing, care and support for people with sight loss in the UK. The output compares the costs of lighting adaptations to estimates of the costs of falls by elderly...
The role of the planning system in delivering housing choice for older Londoners
This project looked into the housing needs of older people in London for the Greater London Authority. It was commissioned as a ‘think piece’, looking specifically at the role of the planning system in helping to ensure that older Londoners have a genuine choice of homes that they can afford and...
Understanding the second-hand market for shared ownership properties
Thames Valley Housing Association and the National Housing Federation commissioned CCHPR to carry out research into the secondary market for shared ownership properties. The research examined national data sources on resales and involved a survey of all major shared ownership providers on resales...
Mapping the number of extra housing units needed for young people
Centrepoint, the youth homeless charity, commissioned CCHPR to carry out some work looking at the requirement for emergency homeless accommodation, supporting housing units, social housing and private rented housing with the use of Housing Benefit across England with a specific focus on the...
Evaluation of new lighting intervention schemes being undertaken by benevolent trusts
The Pocklington Trust commissioned CCHPR to undertake an evaluation of lighting interventions on quality of life and specifically on its impact on reduction of falls amongst recipients.
Housing wealth and wellbeing: understanding who uses housing equity release products and the impact they have on older people’s lives - scoping study
The UK has an ageing population, placing pressure on housing, health and social care services. Most older people own their homes outright and prefer to remain in the same home as they age, which often requires financial investment, e.g. to pay for home adaptations and care. One way to meet these...
International review of land supply and planning systems
The JRF Housing Market Taskforce had identified land supply as a key reason contributing to housing market volatility and problems of housing affordability in the UK. This desk based research aimed to assess which policy approaches to land supply and land markets would be most likely to work in the...
Building social capital through community timebanking: an evaluation of the Cambridgeshire timebanking project
Timebanking is an exchange system in which time is the principal currency. For every hour participants ‘deposit’ in a timebank, they are able to ‘withdraw’ an hour of support when they are in need. This research evaluated the development of a timebanking project in Cambridgeshire by Cambridgeshire...
This scoping study was undertaken as a tool for the D/deaf partnership to better understand its constituency, with a particular view to making an input into the revised Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.
Maximising the performance of the new Section 106 and Community Infrastructure Levy Planning Framework with Local Authorities: Developing a planning gain model
Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research developed a simple model to estimate the impact of charging different CIL and S106 rates on the economic viability of development. The model has potential to assist local authorities in modelling the impact of different CIL and S106 rates on the...
An economic and spatial analysis of the future development of Wisbech in Cambridgeshire
This work aimed to assess: (1) The current economic profile of Wisbech; (2) The likely future economic role of Wisbech under different scenarios; (3) The sectors most likely to have potential for future employment growth; and to make (4) Make broad recommendations for future economic and spatial...
Value for money assessment of Lincolnshire Home Improvement Agency's housing options service
CCHPR was commissioned to undertake a simple value for money assessment of Linconshire's Home Improvement Agency's Housing Options advice service, to use in informing future funding for the service. Funding for the service has been provided by Lincolnshire County Council and FirstStop. CCHPR is...
Analysing the experience of vulnerable groups with hearing loss in Cambridgeshire
The first phase of the research identified several gaps in knowledge about particular groups within the D/deaf community and also identified gaps in services in Cambridgeshire. The second phase of the research therefore concentrated on these three issues: (1) Rural isolation amongst people with...
The Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research recently completed an international review of land supply and planning systems, published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation March 2013. The review identified measures taken successfully in other countries to bring land forward for housing...
Evaluation of the FirstStop information and advice initiative
The Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research evaluated the FirstStop service information and advice service for older people for six years between 2009 and 2015.