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The International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis has published an article by Richmond Ehwi and his co-authors. In Ghana, the practice of landlords demanding that renters pay rent advance (RA) of between 6 months and 5 years is well noted. Surprisingly, renters appear divided into the benefits and drawbacks of the rent advance payment. Ahead of the 2020 general elections in Ghana, the two leading political parties promised to establish a rent assistance scheme to help renters working in the formal and informal sectors and earning regular incomes to pay their RA. This paper aims to scrutinse the differences in the demographic, employment and housing characteristics of critics and non-critics of the RA payment in Ghana, and the factors that predict the likelihood of being a critic of the RA system.

Ehwi, R.J., Asante, L.A. and Gavu, E.K. (2021) Towards a well-informed rental housing policy in Ghana: Differentiating between Advocates and Critics of Advance Rent Payment, International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis. DOI:

Publication Date

April 2021