Other Publications
The remaining publications from the year that are not listed under specific projects - eg related journal articles by CCHPR researchers.
Community Currencies
A paper by Gemma Burgess has been published by the International Journal of Community Currency Research.
Housing in young adulthood
Prof Mike Oxley's presentation at a policy workshop hosted by the University of Cambridge in London summarised the findings of ESRC-funded research into the housing issues faced by some young adults.
The Case for Social Housing
Mike Oxley, Director of CCHPR, delivered a keynote lecture on The Case for Social Housing at UWA Perth's Social Impact Festival on 19 July 2017.
Housing Policy and Market Failure
Mike Oxley, Director of CCHPR, delivered a public lecture on Housing in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in August 2017.
Mortgage markets and access to owner occupation for younger households
The OECD have published a working paper by Peter Williams and Christine Whitehead, looking at the effects of changes in the regulation of the mortgage market on owner occupation for younger households.
Private housing sector: The UK and ideas from other countries
The private rented housing sector: The UK and ideas from other countries - a seminar presentation to the Social Market Foundation by Michael Oxley, March 2017
Rebuilding the Rented Sector in the UK
CCHPR Research Fellow Peter Williams gave a presentation on the role of buy to let, build to rent and housing associations in the recovery of the private rented sector in the UK housing market to the City Futures Research Centre at the University of New South Wales and the NSW Federation of Housing Associations in March 2017.
Thames Valley Housing Fizzy Update
CCHPR Research Fellow Dr Peter Williams presented an update on the Fizzy strategy adopted by Thames Valley Housing to the NSW Federation of Housing Associations in Australia.
Housing policy: some alternative views
Early in his career, Mike Oxley wrote an article on the state of the UK housing market in 1977. Reading it again, it would seem that policy makers today seem to be facing many of the same issues.
Challenges for our home ownership safety net
Dr Peter Williams, former Director of CCHPR, has contributed to a report on mortgage borrowing.
Access to mortgages and home ownership for young people; International perspectives
An article by Peter Williams and Christine Whitehead has been published in Housing Finance International, Winter 2017.