The remaining publications from the year that are not listed under CCHPR projects - e.g. related journal articles by CCHPR researchers.
ESRC Seminar Series on Marketplace Exclusion: Representations, Resistances and Responses
This series of six seminars examines substantive and methodological issues surrounding marketplace exclusion. The seminars are designed to create links between academics, early career researchers, business leaders, community groups, activists and policy makers interested in the dynamics of marketplace exclusion and means of countering it.
Estimated net income distribution for eight household types in the London Borough of Bromley at mid-Super Output Area (SOA) level
Information about household incomes at a local level is difficult to obtain yet social landlords may need such data in order to set rents. To address this issue, CCHPR has developed a model to estimate household income distribution by percentile for eight household types at local market level.
Housing finance and the housing market: lessons from the UK?
This article outlines developments in the UK housing and mortgage markets with a focus on the period since 2007 and the global crash. It picks up on the UK responses to what is now a global debate on macro-prudential policy and lines of intervention in mortgage markets.
Housing need and effective demand in England
The purpose of this note was to review current concepts and measures of housing need in use in England, and how they relate to effective demand. It looks at what is likely to be the new supply of housing that would be required to meet the need generated by population and household growth and change; how much of this supply could be generated by private effective demand; and how much would depend on assistance.
Housing Supply– challenges for policy makers. Presentation by Dr Gemma Burgess to the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Social Science and Policy, 21 October 2014, House of Commons
Dr Gemma Burgess gave a presentation to the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Social Science and Policy, 21 October 2014, at the House of Commons as part of the session on Housing Supply– challenges for policy makers. The presentation focuses on the constraints on new housing supply.
Local public finance and housing policy conference. Presentation by Dr Gemma Burgess - Case Study UK: rising house prices and under supply
Dr Gemma Burgess gave a key note speech at the local public finance and housing policy conference in Israel in December 2014, hosted by the Gazit-Globe Real Estate Institute at IDC Herzliya. The presentation - Case Study UK: rising house prices and under supply – focuses on housing supply constraints.
Looking into the future: How many homes do we need and what happens if we do not build them?
How many homes we need over the next 20 years is a highly contentious political issue and a major headache for local authorities who are required by the new planning system to decide their area’s “objectively assessed needs”. Presented by CCHPR Visiting Fellow Neil McDonald.
Review of “Young people and housing: transitions, trajectories and generational fractures”
Mike Oxley provided a review of “Young people and housing: transitions, trajectories and generational fractures”, edited by Ray Forrest and Ngai ming Yip, for the International Journal of Housing Policy.
The role of policy in influencing differences between countries in the size of the private rented housing sector
In a presentation at the Department of Land Economy, Professor Mike Oxley addressed the following topics: Comparative studies of rented housing; What is private rented housing?; How much of it is there?; Why is there more in some countries than others?; Does policy explain international differences in the proportion of private rented housing?