The Technology for our Ageing Population: Panel for Innovation (TAPPI) project aims to improve the way technology is used in housing and care for older people.
Led by the Housing Learning and Improvement Network (Housing LIN), the TEC Services Association (TSA) and funded by The Dunhill Medical Trust, TAPPI seeks to address the opportunity that technology has to enhance the lives of our ageing population and the barriers that prevent its adoption.
The first phase of TAPPI, which concluded in 2021, examined current practice and then set out ten practical principles for using technology in housing and care for older people. In this second phase, lasting 12-15 months, digital services and solutions will be assessed using TAPPI principles in four demonstrator sites to ensure they are: Adaptable, Co-produced, Cost-effective, Choice-led, Interoperable, Inclusive, Outcome-focused, Person-Centred, Preventative and Quality-focused.
TAPPI 2 will gather evidence of what is possible and challenge what is perceived to be impossible, building on learning gathered during the pandemic. The goal is to create new, scalable housing service models using technology-enabled care which support personalisation and, simply, deliver better outcomes for people. Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research, under the leadership of its Director Dr Gemma Burgess, is the Evaluation and Learning Partner for TAPPI 2. Working alongside the four demonstrator sites, our research programme will ensure that case studies and best practice examples will be available to inform others seeking to adopt the TAPPI principles.
'This collaborative research has significant potential for real world impact as the TAPPI principles are translated from theory into practice. Housing, care and health are closely interconnected and cannot be considered in silos and new technologies are an opportunity to facilitate positive individual and service level outcomes across these areas. We are delighted to be part of the team that helps embed the TAPPI principles in service delivery and shares learning to support best practice.' [Dr Gemma Burgess]
Watch the full interview with the project lead Dr Gemma Burgess here.