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The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK
The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK - Literature review
Cambridge Centre for Housing & Planning Research
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Research Projects by Starting Year overview
2022 overview
TAPPI 2 Evaluation and Learning Partner
TAPPI 2 Evaluation and Learning Partner overview
TAPPI Evaluation Workshop
MMC-based housebuilding: Towards a roadmap for customer-centred approaches to POE in the social housing sector
MMC-based housebuilding: Towards a roadmap for customer-centred approaches to POE in the social housing sector
The role of hostels in ending homelessness: assessing what works?
Are modular homes a good temporary housing solution for people experiencing homelessness?
Are modular homes a good temporary housing solution for people experiencing homelessness? overview
The role of modular homes in addressing homelessness: Cambridge’s modular homes
Digital poverty in the UK
Digital poverty in the UK overview
Digital Poverty in the UK Literature Review
Digital Poverty and Housing Inequality Report
The relationship between housing inequality and digital exclusion in the UK
Other publications
Other publications overview
Demarginalising’ a territorially stigmatised neighbourhood?: The relationship between governance configurations and trajectories of urban change
2021 overview
Other Publications
Other Publications overview
Housing for highly mobile transnational professionals: evolving forms of housing practices in Moscow and London
Converging interests to protect urban greenery
International technology transfer through projects: A social construction of technology perspective
Landguardism in Ghana - examining public perceptions about the driving factors
The role of housing providers and intermediaries in migrant access to (in)formal housing markets in the New York City
Towards a well-informed rental housing policy in Ghana
Walls within walls: examining the variegated purposes for walling in Ghanaian gated communities
A review of Ageing in place: design, planning and policy response in the Western Asia- Pacific
Housing for Highly Mobile Transnational Professionals: ’New’ Forms of Housing Practices in Moscow and London
Housing characteristics and households' experiences with COVID-19 protocols in Ghana
Using modular housing to address acute housing needs
Using modular housing to address acute housing needs overview
Insights into the use of modular housing in addressing homelessness: Report
Insights into the use of modular housing in addressing homelessness: Launch presentation
Insights into the use of modular and container temporary housing to address homelessness: HSA conference presentation
2020 overview
Tackling digital exclusion: identifying policy and practitioner responses to support digitally excluded households
Tackling digital exclusion: identifying policy and practitioner responses to support digitally excluded households overview
Cryptocurrency and the Digital Divide
Beyond Digital: Planning for a Hybrid World
Mind the gap: the digital divide is getting bigger
Closing the digital divide: panel presentation
BBC Look North
The Quarantini Podcast
The Shared Ownership Sector in 2020
The Shared Ownership Sector in 2020 overview
SO Resi Shared Ownership 2020
Modular homes for the homeless
Modular homes for the homeless overview
Housing Studies Association Conference 2022
Modular housing for the homeless: CHIRN presentation
Modular Homes: resident experiences
Modular Housing Project: preliminary findings
Modular Housing Project: preliminary findings overview
Modular Housing Project: preliminary findings
Small-scale modular housing could provide a lifeline for people experiencing homelessness
Small-scale modular housing could provide a lifeline for people experiencing homelessness overview
Download Template
Other Publications
Other Publications overview
Housing transformation, rent gap and gentrification in Ghana's traditional houses: Insight from compound houses in Bantama, Ghana
The Influence of the Belt and Road Initiative in Europe
Urban informality in the Global North: (il)legal status and housing strategies of Ghanaian migrants in New York City
Exploring the Financial Implications of Advance Rent Payment and Induced Furnishing of Rental Housing in Ghanaian Cities: The Case of Dansoman, Accra-Ghana
Residential trajectories of high-skilled transnational migrants in a global city: Exploring the housing choices of Russian and Italian professionals in London
2019 overview
The housing market and the wider economy
The housing market and the wider economy overview
Healthy Communities: Place-based built environment interventions to reduce health inequalities by increasing physical activity
Net zero ready new build housing: benefits and barriers to delivery
Self-build and custom housebuilding in the UK
Deploying modular housing in the UK: exploring the benefits and risks for the housebuilding industry
Deploying modular housing in the UK: exploring the benefits and risks for the housebuilding industry overview
Deploying modular housing in the UK: industry roundtable
Understanding supply, demand and investment in the market for retirement housing communities in England (Report)
Infrastructure, placemaking and sustainability
How can smart technologies meet the demand of an ageing population?
How can smart technologies meet the demand of an ageing population? overview
The promises and reality of smart telecare
Can smart homes meet the needs of our ageing population? The challenges of implementation
How does the provision of advanced, predictive telecare and smart home technology for older people affect its outcomes?
How does the provision of advanced, predictive telecare and smart home technology for older people affect its outcomes? overview
How does the provision of advanced, predictive telecare and smart home technology for older people affect its outcomes?
What is the goal of advanced telecare provision for older people? How we define its success will affect how we view its outcomes
CSaP Impact Hunting
CSaP Impact Hunting overview
Exploring CSaP's impact
Understanding the socio-economic inhibitors to the take up of digital innovation in construction
Understanding the socio-economic inhibitors to the take up of digital innovation in construction overview
Pre-Manufactured Value: A critical examination of PMV as a performance evaluation metric for the adoption and use of modern methods of construction
Pre-Manufactured Value: a performance evaluation metric for the adoption and use of MMC
Final Report: Analysing the social context to transforming construction through digital innovation and offsite construction
Projects as vehicles for widespread adoption of digital manufacturing technologies in the AEC sector
Enablers for the adoption and use of BIM in main contractor companies in the UK
Offsite manufacturing research: A systematic review of methodologies used
Industry guidance: Successful adoption and use of BIM and OSM
How countries achieve greater use of offsite manufacturing to build new housing: identifying typologies through institutional theory
Transforming the construction sector: an institutional complexity perspective
CamFest 2021: Tackling the housing crisis by transforming construction
UK Construction Industry: The Transformation Agenda
Homes UK 2020
Homes UK 2020: Challenges of BIM implementation
ARCOM Conference Paper : OSM & Construction Industry Transformation
ARCOM Conference Paper : OSM & Construction Industry Transformation overview
Conference paper: OSM & Construction Industry Transformation
2020 Industry Webinar
2020 Industry Webinar overview
Presentation: Enabling factors for the adoption and use of OSM
Presentation: Socio-cultural and individual inhibitors to the take up of digital innovation and off-site manufacturing in construction
Presentation: Defining and delivering a digital strategy in a large organisation
Exploring ways to tackle the challenges of the need for skills and training in the implementation of Building Information Modelling: a case study of two leading UK construction companies
Exploring ways to tackle the challenges of the need for skills and training in the implementation of Building Information Modelling: a case study of two leading UK construction companies overview
Presentation: Exploring new ways to tackle the challenges of the need for skills and training in the implementation of BIM
How could better use of data and digital technologies improve the planning system?
How could better use of data and digital technologies improve the planning system? overview
Presentation: How could better use of data and digital technologies improve the planning system?
Tackling the housing crisis through digital technologies and OSM
State of the nation: sector report (OSM)
State of the nation: sector report (OSM) overview
Report: State of the nation: sector report (OSM)
State of the nation: sector report (Digital Innovation)
State of the nation: sector report (Digital Innovation) overview
Report: State of the nation: sector report (DI)
Blog for CDBB - October 2019
Blog for CDBB - October 2019 overview
Blog: Blog for CDBB October 2019
How using Modern Methods of Construction and digital technologies affects stakeholder management in housing development projects: ENHR Conference
Research Profile - Understanding the social context to transforming construction through digital innovation
Research Profile - Understanding the social context to transforming construction through digital innovation overview
Creating positive economic communities
Creating positive economic communities overview
Creating positive economic communities (draft report)
Achieving local economic change: what works?
Valuing Planning Obligations 2018-19
Valuing Planning Obligations 2018-19 overview
Other Publications
Other Publications overview
Gated communities and land administration challenges in Ghana: reappraising the reasons why people move into gated communities
2018 overview
Construction Innovation Hub
Construction Innovation Hub overview
Beyond Smart Cities
Levelling up and the Modernisation of the Construction Industry in the UK: Geographies of the Offsite Construction of Housing, at the ENHR Conference
Smart city governance and the ethical dimension of smart city decision-making in Cambridge, UK
Customer experience in the housebuilding industry: the post-occupancy evaluation of MMC-delivered homes in the social housing sector
Ethically making Smart Cities
The ethical underpinnings of Smart City governance
Problem Framing in UK Smart Cities
Towards a co-creative stakeholder framework for Smart City projects
Podcast: How to unlock MMC at scale
Built environment of Britain in 2040: Scenarios and strategies
Locating OSM: Offsite construction is firmly on the agenda, but where exactly is ‘offsite’?
Locating OSM: Offsite construction is firmly on the agenda, but where exactly is ‘offsite’? overview
Blog: Locating OSM: Offsite construction is firmly on the agenda, but where exactly is ‘offsite’?
Four Futures, One Choice
Towards a co-creative Stakeholder engagement framework for Smart City projects
Towards a co-creative Stakeholder engagement framework for Smart City projects overview
Presentation: Towards a co-creative Stakeholder engagement framework for Smart City projects
Tackling the housing crisis through digital technologies and OSM
Tackling the housing crisis through digital technologies and OSM overview
Presentation: Whitehall & Industry Group
Stakeholder Engagement for Smart Cities and DIPs: National Guidance Document
Stakeholder Engagement for Smart Cities and DIPs: National Guidance Document overview
Stakeholder Engagement for Smart Cities and DIPs: National Guidance Document
Stakeholder Engagement Plan: West Cambridge Digital Twin Research Facility
Stakeholder Engagement Plan: West Cambridge Digital Twin Research Facility overview
Report: Stakeholder Engagement Plan: West Cambridge Digital Twin Research Facility
Engaging stakeholders in digital infrastructure projects
Engaging stakeholders in digital infrastructure projects overview
Report: Stakeholder engagement review
Flourishing Systems
Digital technologies: presentation at 2019 Homes UK
Digital technologies: presentation at 2019 Homes UK overview
Presentation: Digital technologies, HOMES UK 2019
Stakeholder engagement in Smart City initiatives
Stakeholder engagement in Smart City initiatives overview
Report: Stakeholder engagement review
Offsite construction: is it the answer to the housing crisis?
Offsite construction: is it the answer to the housing crisis? overview
Presentation: Offsite construction, NHF Asset Management Conference 2019
Reinventing Renting
Reinventing Renting overview
Report: Reinventing Renting
BIM in the UK house building industry
BIM in the UK house building industry overview
Presentation: BIM in the UK house building industry
Is co-living a housing solution for vulnerable older people?
Is co-living a housing solution for vulnerable older people? overview
Households of the Future: will sharing our home become the new norm?
Households of the Future: will sharing our home become the new norm? overview
Presentation: Households of the Future
Co-living for vulnerable older people: Literature review
Co-living for vulnerable older people: Literature review overview
Ageing well - meeting the needs of the next generation of older adults
Report: Is co-living a housing solution for vulnerable older people? Literature review
Co-living for vulnerable older people: Stakeholder views
Co-living for vulnerable older people: Stakeholder views overview
Co-living for older people - stakeholder views
Is co-living a housing solution for vulnerable older people?
Is co-living a housing solution for vulnerable older people? overview
Is co-living a housing solution for vulnerable older people?
Is co-living a housing solution for vulnerable older people? Summary Report
Is co-living a good choice to support healthy, happy ageing at home?
Is co-living a good choice to support healthy, happy ageing at home? overview
Is co-living a good choice to support healthy happy ageing at home?
Digital Nomads
Digital Nomads overview
Reinventing Renting
Reinventing Renting overview
Reinventing Renting
Leasehold and Freehold Charges
Leasehold and Freehold Charges overview
Parenting in a house share (ESRC IAA)
Parenting in a house share (ESRC IAA) overview
Housing issues facing non-resident fathers
Housing issues facing non-resident fathers overview
Housing issues facing non-resident fathers: recommendations for policy and practice
Digital Built Britain Housing Network
Digital Built Britain Housing Network overview
Digital Built Britain Housing Network: Final Report
Digital Built Britain Housing Network: Final Report overview
Digital Built Britain Housing Network: Final Report
Position paper 1: How can digital tools and technologies support independent living for older people, now and into the future?
Position paper 1: How can digital tools and technologies support independent living for older people, now and into the future? overview
How can digital tools and technologies support independent living for older people, now and into the future?
Position Paper 2: What is the role of off-site housing manufacture in a Digital Built Britain?
Position Paper 2: What is the role of off-site housing manufacture in a Digital Built Britain? overview
What is the role of off-site housing manufacture in a Digital Built Britain?
Position Paper 3: How will the UK govern, manage and maintain housing stock in a Digital Built Britain?
Position Paper 3: How will the UK govern, manage and maintain housing stock in a Digital Built Britain? overview
How will the UK govern, manage and maintain housing stock in a Digital Built Britain?
Position Paper 4: How could better use of data and digital technologies improve housing delivery through the UK planning system?
Position Paper 4: How could better use of data and digital technologies improve housing delivery through the UK planning system? overview
How will the UK govern, manage and maintain housing stock in a Digital Built Britain?
Seminar 1: What are the key things we need to know in order to deliver affordable, sustainable housing in a Digital Built Britain?
Seminar 1: What are the key things we need to know in order to deliver affordable, sustainable housing in a Digital Built Britain? overview
Seminar 1: What are the key things we need to know in order to deliver affordable, sustainable housing in a Digital Built Britain?
Seminar 2: Will digital transformations solve our housing crisis?
Seminar 2: Will digital transformations solve our housing crisis? overview
Nigel Walley, Chimni: Data passports
Nissa Shahid, Future Cities Catapult: The future of planning
Tom Lowry, Plymouth City Council: Digital planning in Plymouth
Gemma Burgess & Valentine Quinio, CCHPR: Digital innovation
Planning for Affordable Housing (PLANAFFHO)
Planning for Affordable Housing (PLANAFFHO) overview
Divergence in planning for affordable housing: A comparative analysis of England and Portugal
Divergence in planning for affordable housing: A comparative analysis of England and Portugal overview
Download Template
Planning for Affordable Housing: A comparative analysis of Portugal, England and Denmark
Planning for Affordable Housing: A comparative analysis of Portugal, England and Denmark overview
Planning for Affordable Housing: A comparative analysis of Portugal, England and Denmark
Understanding the relationship between land use planning and housing
Understanding the relationship between land use planning and housing overview
Understanding the relationship between land use planning and housing
The challenges of gentrification
The challenges of gentrification overview
The challenges of gentrification
Land-use planning and housing: issues of supply and affordability
Land-use planning and housing: issues of supply and affordability overview
Land-use planning and housing - issues of supply and affordability in England and Portugal
Land Economy Seminar Series Presentation
Land Economy Seminar Series Presentation overview
International comparative analysis of housing and land use planning
Cross-comparative analysis of Portugal, England and Denmark
Cross-comparative analysis of Portugal, England and Denmark overview
Cross-comparative analysis of Portugal, England and Denmark: Presentation
Cross-comparative analysis of Portugal, England and Denmark: Conference Paper
Outcomes of Urban Requalification under Neoliberalism
Outcomes of Urban Requalification under Neoliberalism overview
Outcomes of Urban Requalification under Neoliberalism
Housing and Urban Planning Policies Presentation
Housing and Urban Planning Policies Presentation overview
Housing and Urban Planning Policies Presentation
Advanced Sociology Seminars Presentation
Advanced Sociology Seminars Presentation overview
Interdiscplinary approaches to housing research
HSA Presentation: Conceptualising the differences
HSA Presentation: Conceptualising the differences overview
Conceptualising the differences
PLPR 2018 Presentation: Evora
PLPR 2018 Presentation: Evora overview
PLPR 2018 Presentation: Evora
ICS Lisbon: Blog
Planning for Affordable Housing: Roundtable
Planning for Affordable Housing: Roundtable overview
Planning for Affordable Housing: Roundtable
Evaluation of the Reimagining Rent Programme
Evaluation of the Reimagining Rent Programme overview
Uptake of digital tools in the UK house building sector
Uptake of digital tools in the UK house building sector overview
Uptake of digital tools in the UK house building sector - reports
Uptake of digital tools in the UK house building sector - reports overview
Executive Summary - BIM and UK House Building
Final Report - BIM and UK House Building
BIM4Housing Presentation: BIM in the UK house building industry
BIM4Housing Presentation: BIM in the UK house building industry overview
BIM in the UK house building industry: opportunities and barriers to adoption
Wylfa Newydd Housing Study
Wylfa Newydd Housing Study overview
Purpose built student accommodation
Purpose built student accommodation overview
Other Publications
Other Publications overview
The Edge Debate: OxMKCam growth corridor symposium
The Edge Debate: OxMKCam growth corridor symposium overview
The Edge Debate: Housing for the OxMKCam growth corridor symposium
Structure and agency: variations in planning outcomes and the delivery of affordable housing in England
Structure and agency: variations in planning outcomes and the delivery of affordable housing in England overview
Structure and agency: variations in planning outcomes and the delivery of affordable housing in England
Assessing the evidence on rent control from an international perspective
Michael Oxley: Urban Renewal Policy conference, NRU Moscow
Michael Oxley: Urban Renewal Policy conference, NRU Moscow overview
Affordable Housing: three versions
Affordable Housing: national housing policies
Affordable Housing: the European picture
CIH UK Housing Review 2018 Autumn Briefing Paper
Evaluation of Help to Buy equity loan scheme
Performative knowledge and marketplace exclusion
Performative knowledge and marketplace exclusion overview
Using performative knowledge production to explore marketplace exclusion
Mortgage markets and access to owner occupation for younger households
Mortgage markets and access to owner occupation for younger households overview
Mortgage markets and access to owner occupation for younger households
Universalism vs Particularism
Universalism vs Particularism overview
Universalism vs Particularism
CIH UK Housing Review 2018
Structural change in the housing & mortgage markets?
Assessing the evidence on Rent Control from an international perspective
Construction Innovation Hub with Accordion
2017 overview
Modelling the impact of taxation reform on the PRS
Modelling the impact of taxation reform on the PRS overview
The impact of taxation reform on the private rented sector: Final report
The impact of taxation reform on the private rented sector: Final report overview
The impact of taxation reform on the private rented sector
Developing income-linked rents for CHS Group
Developing income-linked rents for CHS Group overview
Developing income-linked rents for CHS Group final report
Developing income-linked rents for CHS Group final report overview
Developing income-linked rents for CHS Group: Final report
Shared housing for non-resident parents
Shared housing for non-resident parents overview
Non-resident parents and shared housing - final report & executive summary
Non-resident parents and shared housing - final report & executive summary overview
Non-resident parents and shared housing - executive summary
Non-resident parents and shared housing - final report
Presentation of findings to Housing Studies Association
Presentation of findings to Housing Studies Association overview
Presentation of Commonweal Findings to HSA
Landlord portfolio management - past and future
Landlord portfolio management - past and future overview
Landlord portfolio management - past and future
Research into Letting Agents Fees to Tenants in Wales
Research into Letting Agents Fees to Tenants in Wales overview
Welsh Letting Agents Fees: Final Reports
Welsh Letting Agents Fees: Final Reports overview
Welsh letting agents fees: final report
Welsh letting agents fees: summary report
Using incentives to improve the private rented sector for people in poverty
Using incentives to improve the private rented sector for people in poverty overview
JRF PRS Landlord Incentives: International Policy Review
JRF PRS Landlord Incentives: International Policy Review overview
International Policy Review
JRF PRS Landlord Incentives: Three Costed Solutions
JRF PRS Landlord Incentives: Three Costed Solutions overview
JRF PRS Landlord Incentives: Three Costed Solutions
Building Better Opportunities - New Horizons
Building Better Opportunities - New Horizons overview
Cost of Living Report
Cost of Living Presentation
Digital exclusion and poverty in the UK: How structural inequality shapes experiences of getting online
Digital exclusion and the importance of getting online
Homelessness Prevention through One-to-One Coaching
Homelessness Prevention through One-to-One Coaching overview
New Horizons: Long term impact of coaching & the wider context of structural poverty
New Horizons: Long term impact of coaching & the wider context of structural poverty overview
New Horizons: Long term impact of coaching & the wider context of structural poverty
The Digital Divide: what does the research tell us?
The Digital Divide: what does the research tell us? overview
The Digital Divide: what does the research tell us?
Beyond the pandemic: tackle the digital divide
Beyond the pandemic: tackle the digital divide overview
Tackle the Digital Divide
Coronavirus has highlighted the UK's digital divide
Coronavirus has highlighted the UK's digital divide overview
Coronavirus has highlighted the UK's digital divide
Working together to respond to poverty in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
Working together to respond to poverty in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough overview
Plenary presentation November 2019
Workshop presentation November 2019
ITV News Anglia report on New Horizons
Tackling social and digital exclusion
Tackling social and digital exclusion overview
Tackling social and digital exclusion
Tackling digital, financial and employment exclusion
Tackling digital, financial and employment exclusion overview
Final Report July 2019
Living on the edge
Looking into Cambridge's future
Looking into Cambridge's future overview
Looking into Cambridge's future
New Horizons Evaluation: Findings from the first two years
New Horizons Evaluation: Findings from the first two years overview
Evaluation findings 1
University of Cambridge Housing Needs
University of Cambridge Housing Needs overview
Valuing Planning Obligations
Valuing Planning Obligations overview
The Incidence, Value and Delivery of Planning Obligations and Community Infrastructure Levy in England in 2016-17
The Incidence, Value and Delivery of Planning Obligations and Community Infrastructure Levy in England in 2016-17 overview
Published report
The Incidence, Value and Delivery of Planning Obligations and Community Infrastructure Levy in England in 2016-17 (Inquiry)
Virtuous or vicious circles?
Private rented sector and buy to let mortgage market: five year outlook
Private rented sector and buy to let mortgage market: five year outlook overview
London Strategic Housing Initiative Evaluation
London Strategic Housing Initiative Evaluation overview
LSHI Evaluation Report
LSHI Evaluation Report overview
LSHI Evaluation Report
Decision maker interactions with Citizens UK
Decision maker interactions with Citizens UK overview
Decision maker interactions with Citizens UK
Other Publications
Other Publications overview
Community Currencies
Community Currencies overview
What is the potential for community currencies to deliver positive public health outcomes?
Housing in young adulthood
Housing in young adulthood overview
Housing, poverty and young people
The Case for Social Housing
The Case for Social Housing overview
Housing Policy and Market Failure
Housing Policy and Market Failure overview
Mortgage markets and access to owner occupation for younger households
Mortgage markets and access to owner occupation for younger households overview
Mortgage markets and access to owner occupation for younger households
Private housing sector: The UK and ideas from other countries
Private housing sector: The UK and ideas from other countries overview
Private Rented Housing Sector: UK and ideas from other countries
Rebuilding the Rented Sector in the UK
Rebuilding the Rented Sector in the UK overview
Thames Valley Housing Fizzy Update
Thames Valley Housing Fizzy Update overview
Thames Valley Housing Fizzy Update
Housing Policy: Some Alternative Views
Housing Policy: Some Alternative Views overview
Housing Policy: Some Alternative Views
Challenges for our home ownership safety net
Challenges for our home ownership safety net overview
Challenges for our home ownership safety net
Access to mortgages and home ownership for young people; International perspectives
2016 overview
Consultancy input into Evaluation of the JRF’s Housing and Poverty Programme
Consultancy input into Evaluation of the JRF’s Housing and Poverty Programme overview
Feasibility study of the prospect of developing a viable housing model for those entitled only to access the shared accommodation rate
Feasibility study of the prospect of developing a viable housing model for those entitled only to access the shared accommodation rate overview
Feasibility study of the prospect of developing a viable housing model for those entitled only to access the shared accommodation rate
Feasibility study of the prospect of developing a viable housing model for those entitled only to access the shared accommodation rate overview
Final Report
Shared Ownership: Ugly sister or Cinderella?
Shared Ownership: Ugly sister or Cinderella? overview
Shared ownership: Ugly Sister or Cinderella? The role of mortgage lenders in growing the shared ownership market
Shared ownership: Ugly Sister or Cinderella? The role of mortgage lenders in growing the shared ownership market overview
Shared ownership: Ugly Sister or Cinderella? The role of mortgage lenders in growing the shared ownership market
Using household income data at micro-level to aid social housing providers’ decisions on affordable rents levels, ‘pay-to-stay’ and other market-based policies
Using household income data at micro-level to aid social housing providers’ decisions on affordable rents levels, ‘pay-to-stay’ and other market-based policies overview
Household income distribution estimates: The example of Pay to Stay impacts in Local Authority areas in two English regions
Household income distribution estimates: The example of Pay to Stay impacts in Local Authority areas in two English regions overview
New housing, business space and infrastructure in London
New housing, business space and infrastructure in London overview
Poverty, evictions and forced moves
Poverty, evictions and forced moves overview
Poverty, evictions and forced moves
Poverty, evictions and forced moves overview
Poverty, evictions and forced moves
Provision of expert advice on UK Housing Statistics
Provision of expert advice on UK Housing Statistics overview
Government Policy and the Profile of Housing Provision in England
Government Policy and the Profile of Housing Provision in England overview
A better quality PRS: the role of SME investment
A better quality PRS: the role of SME investment overview
Shared Ownership Plus: a review of progress and potential
Shared Ownership Plus: a review of progress and potential overview
Assessment of Student Housing Demand and Supply for Cambridge City Council and Oxford City Council
Assessment of Student Housing Demand and Supply for Cambridge City Council and Oxford City Council overview
Assessment of Student Housing Demand and Supply for Cambridge City Council
Assessment of Student Housing Demand and Supply for Cambridge City Council overview
The impacts of family support on access to homeownership for young people in the UK
The impacts of family support on access to homeownership for young people in the UK overview
The impacts of family support on access to homeownership for young people in the UK
The impacts of family support on access to homeownership for young people in the UK overview
The impacts of family support on access to homeownership for young people in the UK
Other publications
Other publications overview
The Prevalence of Rough Sleeping and Sofa Surfing Amongst Young People in the UK
The Prevalence of Rough Sleeping and Sofa Surfing Amongst Young People in the UK overview
The Prevalence of Rough Sleeping and Sofa Surfing Amongst Young People in the UK
2015 overview
Designing compliance into regulatory codes
Downsizing and moving in later life - new build housing or existing stock?
Downsizing and moving in later life - new build housing or existing stock? overview
Last-time buyers
Unpicking the downsizing discourse
Moving insights from the over-55s - source document
Moving insights from the over-55s - source document overview
Source Document
Estimated net income distribution of working households by household type and locality
Estimated net income distribution of working households by household type and locality overview
Evaluating the public health outcomes of the Cambridgeshire Time Credits Scheme
Evaluating the public health outcomes of the Cambridgeshire Time Credits Scheme overview
Community Exchange and Time Currencies: A systematic and in-depth thematic review of impact on public health outcomes
Reciprocity in the co-production of public services
Community Currencies
Community Currencies overview
What is the potential for community currencies to deliver positive public health outcomes?
Cambridgeshire Time Credits in Wisbech: three short films
Wisbech Time Credits – Final Report
Wisbech Time Credits – Final Report overview
Final Report
Time Credits Project: Summary and Conclusions
Time Credits Project: Summary and Conclusions overview
Time Credits Project: Summary and Conclusions
Time Credits Research Findings: Launch Event
Time Credits Research Findings: Launch Event overview
Dr Gemma Burgess, CCHPR
Dr Louise Lafortune, Cambridge Insitute for Public Health
Yannick Auckland, Spice
Val Thomas, Cambridgeshire County Council
Festival of Ideas event - The potential for Time Credits to generate public health outcomes
Festival of Ideas event - The potential for Time Credits to generate public health outcomes overview
Public health outcomes of complex community interventions: Volunteering and Time Credits in Wisbeach
Emerging findings paper 2 - Wisbech Time Credits Partner Organisation Case Studies
Emerging findings paper 2 - Wisbech Time Credits Partner Organisation Case Studies overview
Working paper 7 Littleport and Ely Timebank
Working paper 7 Littleport and Ely Timebank overview
Working paper 7 The impact of timebanking on individuals, communities and wider society
Using Ethnographic Methodologies to Evaluate Time Credits – working paper
Using Ethnographic Methodologies to Evaluate Time Credits – working paper overview
Wisbeach Time Credits Evaluation: Working Paper 6
Time Credits in Wisbech – working paper
Time Credits in Wisbech – working paper overview
Wisbeach Time Credits Evaluation: Working Paper 5
Wisbech Time Credits – Interim Report
Wisbech Time Credits – Interim Report overview
Interim Report
Wisbech Time Credits – individual member case studies
Wisbech Time Credits – individual member case studies overview
Emerging Findings 1_Time Credits member case studies
Health outcomes of place based approaches to building community cohesion: Time Credits in England – research presented by Dr Burgess at AAG conference in San Francisco
Health outcomes of place based approaches to building community cohesion: Time Credits in England – research presented by Dr Burgess at AAG conference in San Francisco overview
The potential for Time Credits to generate public health outcomes – a conceptual model – working paper
The potential for Time Credits to generate public health outcomes – a conceptual model – working paper overview
Working Paper 4
Evaluating the Public Health Outcomes of the Cambridgeshire Time Credits Project – conference poster
Evaluating the Public Health Outcomes of the Cambridgeshire Time Credits Project – conference poster overview
Co-production in research and public services – working papers
Co-production in research and public services – working papers overview
Working Paper 2 - Research
Working Paper 3 - Services
Introduction to time banking and time credits
Introduction to time banking and time credits overview
Working Paper 1
Identifying housing need in the horseracing industry
Identifying housing need in the horseracing industry overview
Identifying housing need in the horseracing industry - Report
Identifying housing need in the horseracing industry - Report overview
Final Report
Racing Welfare Response
Multi generational living: potential opportunities for the house building sector?
Multi generational living: potential opportunities for the house building sector? overview
Final Report
Final Report overview
Multigenerational Living: an opportunity for house builders?
The Increase in Multigenerational Households in the UK
The private rented sector in North Hertfordshire
The private rented sector in North Hertfordshire overview
Research on the effect of rent stabilisation measures in London
Research on the effect of rent stabilisation measures in London overview
Research on the effect of rent stabilisation measures in London
Research on the effect of rent stabilisation measures in London overview
The effects of rent controls on supply and markets
The effects of rent controls on supply and markets overview
The effects of rent controls on supply and markets
The effects of rent controls on supply and markets overview
Understanding the likely poverty impacts of the extension of Right to Buy to housing association tenants
Understanding the likely poverty impacts of the extension of Right to Buy to housing association tenants overview
Understanding the likely poverty impacts of the extension of Right to Buy to housing association tenants
Understanding the likely poverty impacts of the extension of Right to Buy to housing association tenants overview
Refining the recent release of the ONS ‘Travel-To-Work Areas’ for housing planning purposes
Refining the recent release of the ONS ‘Travel-To-Work Areas’ for housing planning purposes overview
Experimental review of the Cambridge Travel to Work Area (TTWA) as a tool for informing local housing policy - including a study of the Ely housing market in the context of the Cambridge TTWA
Experimental review of the Cambridge Travel to Work Area (TTWA) as a tool for informing local housing policy - including a study of the Ely housing market in the context of the Cambridge TTWA overview
Other Publications
Other Publications overview
Housing, Planning and Peter Hall; Unfinished Business
Affordable housing and institutional investment in Australia
Affordable housing and institutional investment in Australia overview
Download Template
Tax credits for affordable housing in the USA: could they work elsewhere?
2014 overview
Baseline Study for Intermediate Housing Market in and around Cambridge City
Baseline Study for Intermediate Housing Market in and around Cambridge City overview
Benefit Cap: In-depth interviews with affected claimants
Benefit Cap: In-depth interviews with affected claimants overview
In-depth interviews with people affected by the benefit cap
In-depth interviews with people affected by the benefit cap overview
In-depth interviews with people affected by the Benefit Cap
Estimating the scale of youth homelessness in the UK
Estimating the scale of youth homelessness in the UK overview
Estimating the scale of youth homelessness in the UK
Estimating the scale of youth homelessness in the UK overview
Full Report
Evaluation of support services in Kingston Royal Eye Clinic
Evaluation of support services in Kingston Royal Eye Clinic overview
Evaluation of Visual Impairment Parliament in Kingston
Housing need and demand in Wales
Housing need and demand in Wales overview
Managing Money Better: Evaluation
Managing Money Better: Evaluation overview
Managing Money Better: Evaluation
Managing Money Better: Evaluation overview
Performance bonds for highways and water supplies for new housing developments
Performance bonds for highways and water supplies for new housing developments overview
Road and sewer bonds in England and Wales – report to the NHBC
Road and sewer bonds in England and Wales – report to the NHBC overview
NHBC Road and Sewer Bonds: Final Report
Promoting policy change to boost the supply of affordable housing
Promoting policy change to boost the supply of affordable housing overview
Affordable Housing Film
Variations in house building rates between local authorities in England
Variations in house building rates between local authorities in England overview
Prospects for investment in social housing
Prospects for investment in social housing overview
Provision of information on London’s development
Provision of information on London’s development overview
Research into potential solutions for business data sharing between regulators
Research into potential solutions for business data sharing between regulators overview
Encouraging inter-regulator data sharing: the perceptions of regulators
Encouraging inter-regulator data sharing: the perceptions of regulators overview
Research on the nature of planning constraints
Research on the nature of planning constraints overview
Research on the nature of planning constraints
Research on the nature of planning constraints overview
Final Report
Increasing housing supply: Research to support Lloyds Banking Group’s Housing Commission
Increasing housing supply: Research to support Lloyds Banking Group’s Housing Commission overview
Sight loss is not life loss: Evaluation
Sight loss is not life loss: Evaluation overview
Sight loss is not life loss: Evaluation for Southampton Sight
Sight loss is not life loss: Evaluation for Southampton Sight overview
Evaluation Report
The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK
The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK overview
The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK - Summary and Conclusions
The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK - Summary and Conclusions overview
The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK - Summary and Conclusions
The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK - Overview
The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK - Overview overview
The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK - Overview
The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK - Moving in and out of poverty
The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK - Moving in and out of poverty overview
The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK - Moving in and out of poverty
The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK - New evidence from housing providers
The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK - New evidence from housing providers overview
The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK - New evidence from housing providers
The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK - Literature review
The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK - Literature review overview
The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK - Literature review
Presentations from the launch event - November 2016
Presentations from the launch event - November 2016 overview
Young People and Poverty: A presentation of key findings
Presentation from Rock Trust
Presentation from Hyde Moneyhouse
Presentation from EMH Group traineeships
Validation of an objectively assessed housing need for West Oxfordshire Council
Validation of an objectively assessed housing need for West Oxfordshire Council overview
Other Publications
Other Publications overview
ESRC Seminar Series on Marketplace Exclusion: Representations, Resistances and Responses
Estimated net income distribution for eight household types in the London Borough of Bromley at mid-Super Output Area (SOA) level
Estimated net income distribution for eight household types in the London Borough of Bromley at mid-Super Output Area (SOA) level overview
Download Template
Housing finance and the housing market; lessons from the UK?
Housing finance and the housing market; lessons from the UK? overview
Journal Article
Housing need and effective demand in England
Housing need and effective demand in England overview
Housing Supply– challenges for policy makers. Presentation by Dr Gemma Burgess to the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Social Science and Policy, 21 October 2014, House of Commons
Housing Supply– challenges for policy makers. Presentation by Dr Gemma Burgess to the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Social Science and Policy, 21 October 2014, House of Commons overview
Local public finance and housing policy conference. Presentation by Dr Gemma Burgess - Case Study UK: rising house prices and under supply
Local public finance and housing policy conference. Presentation by Dr Gemma Burgess - Case Study UK: rising house prices and under supply overview
Looking into the future: How many homes do we need and what happens if we do not build them?
Looking into the future: How many homes do we need and what happens if we do not build them? overview
Review of “Young people and housing: transitions, trajectories and generational fractures”
The role of policy in influencing differences between countries in the size of the private rented housing sector
The role of policy in influencing differences between countries in the size of the private rented housing sector overview
2013 overview
Analysing the experience of vulnerable groups with hearing loss in Cambridgeshire
Analysing the experience of vulnerable groups with hearing loss in Cambridgeshire overview
Managing hearing loss in vulnerable groups of the Cambridgeshire D/deaf communities
Managing hearing loss in vulnerable groups of the Cambridgeshire D/deaf communities overview
Final Report
An economic and spatial analysis of the future development of Wisbech in Cambridgeshire
An economic and spatial analysis of the future development of Wisbech in Cambridgeshire overview
Economic analysis of the Wisbech travel to work area
Economic analysis of the Wisbech travel to work area overview
Main Report
Evaluation of the Removal of the Spare Room Subsidy and household Benefit Cap
Evaluation of the Removal of the Spare Room Subsidy and household Benefit Cap overview
Evaluation of Removal of the Spare Room Subsidy: Final Report
Evaluation of Removal of the Spare Room Subsidy: Final Report overview
Final Report
Evaluation of Removal of the Spare Room Subsidy: Interim Report
Supporting households affected by the Benefit Cap: Impact on Local Authorities, local services and social landlords
Supporting households affected by the Benefit Cap: Impact on Local Authorities, local services and social landlords overview
Supporting households affected by the Benefit Cap: Impact on Local Authorities, local services and social landlords
Housing costs, affordability and rent setting
Housing costs, affordability and rent setting overview
Housing costs, affordability and rent setting
Housing costs, affordability and rent setting overview
Value for money assessment of Lincolnshire Home Improvement Agency's housing options service
Value for money assessment of Lincolnshire Home Improvement Agency's housing options service overview
Analysis of the potential value for money to the public purse of the Lincolnshire Home Improvement Agency Housing Options Advice service
Analysis of the potential value for money to the public purse of the Lincolnshire Home Improvement Agency Housing Options Advice service overview
Final Report
Mechanisms to increase housing supply in England
Mechanisms to increase housing supply in England overview
Mechanisms to increase housing land supply in England and Wales
Increasing land supply for housing
Increasing land supply for housing overview
Poverty focused review of housing organisations’ strategic and business plans
Poverty focused review of housing organisations’ strategic and business plans overview
How do landlords address poverty? A poverty-focused review of the stratetgies of local authorities, landlords and letting agents in England
How do landlords address poverty? A poverty-focused review of the stratetgies of local authorities, landlords and letting agents in England overview
Full Report
Landlords’ written strategies to address poverty and disadvantage
Landlords’ written strategies to address poverty and disadvantage overview
Interim Report
Poverty focussed review of housing organisations’ strategic and business plans - Initial Report
Poverty focussed review of housing organisations’ strategic and business plans - Initial Report overview
Understanding the role of private renting: a four country case study
Understanding the role of private renting: a four country case study overview
The Changing Role of Private Renting in Europe
The Changing Role of Private Renting in Europe overview
The Changing Role of Private Renting in Europe
Reselling shared ownership properties after improvements
Reselling shared ownership properties after improvements overview
Reselling shared ownership properties after improvements
Reselling shared ownership properties after improvements overview
Final Report
Review of Affordable Housing Gateway in Jersey
Review of Affordable Housing Gateway in Jersey overview
Understanding private landlord financial and regulatory incentives for property investment
Understanding recent changes in household formation rates and their implications for planning for housing
Understanding recent changes in household formation rates and their implications for planning for housing overview
Update of UK Housing Finance entry
Update of UK Housing Finance entry overview
Other Publications
Other Publications overview
Building an effective safety net for home owners and the housing market
2012 overview
Supporting assumptions used in planning for housing
Supporting assumptions used in planning for housing overview
Analysis of the private rented sector in Richmond upon Thames and surrounding areas
Analysis of the private rented sector in Richmond upon Thames and surrounding areas overview
Analysis of the private rented sector in Richmond upon Thames and surrounding areas
Analysis of the private rented sector in Richmond upon Thames and surrounding areas overview
Building social capital through community timebanking: an evaluation of the Cambridgeshire timebanking project
Building social capital through community timebanking: an evaluation of the Cambridgeshire timebanking project overview
Building Social Capital through Community Timebanking: an interim evaluation of the Cambridgeshire timebanking project
Building Social Capital through Community Timebanking: an interim evaluation of the Cambridgeshire timebanking project overview
Interim Report
Evaluation of the Cambridgeshire Timebanks
Evaluation of the Cambridgeshire Timebanks overview
Final Report
Housing markets in the Channel Islands
Housing markets in the Channel Islands overview
Dementia and sight loss: Developing social care practice in different housing settings
Dementia and sight loss: Developing social care practice in different housing settings overview
Evaluation of new lighting intervention schemes being undertaken by benevolent trusts
Evaluation of new lighting intervention schemes being undertaken by benevolent trusts overview
Evaluation of new lighting intervention schemes being undertaken by benevolent trusts - Project Report
Evaluation of new lighting intervention schemes being undertaken by benevolent trusts - Project Report overview
Early support for sight loss in Essex: Evaluation
Early support for sight loss in Essex: Evaluation overview
Evaluation of Early Support in Essex
Evaluation of Early Support in Essex overview
Final Report
Evaluation of Stourbridge lighting intervention
Evaluation of Stourbridge lighting intervention overview
Evaluation of lighting interventions in Stourbridge
Evaluation of lighting interventions in Stourbridge overview
Fundamental review of housing allocations policy in Northern Ireland
Fundamental review of housing allocations policy in Northern Ireland overview
Housing in transition: Understanding the dynamics of tenure change
Housing in transition: Understanding the dynamics of tenure change overview
Housing in transition: Understanding the dynamics of tenure change
Housing in transition: Understanding the dynamics of tenure change overview
Final Report
Appendix A
Appendix B
Housing wealth and wellbeing: understanding who uses housing equity release products and the impact they have on older people’s lives - scoping study
Housing wealth and wellbeing: understanding who uses housing equity release products and the impact they have on older people’s lives - scoping study overview
Equity release amongst older home owners
Equity release amongst older home owners overview
Full Report
Nuffield Presentation
Note on Round Table Event
Equity release round table event November 7th Nuffield Foundation
Equity release round table event November 7th Nuffield Foundation overview
Note on Discussion
International review of land supply and planning systems
International review of land supply and planning systems overview
International review of land supply and planning systems
International review of land supply and planning systems overview
Full Report
Making best use of a scarce asset: Can we use social housing more efficiently?
Making best use of a scarce asset: Can we use social housing more efficiently? overview
Mapping the number of extra housing units needed for young people
Mapping the number of extra housing units needed for young people overview
Mapping the number of extra housing units needed for young people, Report
Mapping the number of extra housing units needed for young people, Report overview
Final Report
Maximising the performance of the new Section 106 and Community Infrastructure Levy Planning Framework with Local Authorities: Developing a planning gain model
Maximising the performance of the new Section 106 and Community Infrastructure Levy Planning Framework with Local Authorities: Developing a planning gain model overview
The changing delivery of planning gain through Section 106 and the Community Infrastructure Levy
The changing delivery of planning gain through Section 106 and the Community Infrastructure Levy overview
NewBuy; a review of mortgage pricing
NewBuy; a review of mortgage pricing overview
Research into the future of the social rented sector
Research into the future of the social rented sector overview
Social housing in the East: Challenges for the region and implications for the UK
Social housing in the East: Challenges for the region and implications for the UK overview
Rural housing at a time of economic change
Rural housing at a time of economic change overview
Rural housing at a time of economic change
Rural housing at a time of economic change overview
Final Report
Service use by Cambridgeshire deaf communities
Service use by Cambridgeshire deaf communities overview
Scoping study on service use by the Cambridgeshire D/deaf communities
Scoping study on service use by the Cambridgeshire D/deaf communities overview
Support in the preparation of a housing strategy for Jersey
Support in the preparation of a housing strategy for Jersey overview
The role of the private rented sector in preventing homelessness: identifying good practice and the impact of policy change
The role of the private rented sector in preventing homelessness: identifying good practice and the impact of policy change overview
The role of the private rented sector in preventing homelessness: Identifying good practice and the impact of policy change
The role of the private rented sector in preventing homelessness: Identifying good practice and the impact of policy change overview
Final Report
Unfinished business, building an effective safety net for home owners and the housing market
Unfinished business, building an effective safety net for home owners and the housing market overview
Unfinished Business Final Reports
Unfinished Business Final Reports overview
Unfinished Business Full Report
Unfinished Business Summary Report
Welfare Reform Impact Assessment
Welfare Reform Impact Assessment overview
Impact of welfare reform on housing associations – 2012 Baseline report
Impact of welfare reform on housing associations – 2012 Baseline report overview
2012 Baseline Report
Intended and unintended consequences? A case study survey of housing associations and welfare reforms
Intended and unintended consequences? A case study survey of housing associations and welfare reforms overview
Reality dawns – the impact of welfare reform on housing associations: a mid-2014 view
Reality dawns – the impact of welfare reform on housing associations: a mid-2014 view overview
Other Publications
Other Publications overview
Changing the profile of social housing: The impact of prioritising working applicants on letting patterns - Working Note
Changing the profile of social housing: The impact of prioritising working applicants on letting patterns - Working Note overview
Working Note
Freedom to succeed: liberating the potential of housing associations
Freedom to succeed: liberating the potential of housing associations overview
Final Report
Tackling housing market volatility in the UK: A progress report
Tackling housing market volatility in the UK: A progress report overview
The implications of the 2008-based household projections for estimates of housing need
The implications of the 2008-based household projections for estimates of housing need overview
Full Report
Household Projections in England: their history and uses
Household Projections in England: their history and uses overview
Book review by Dr Gemma Burgess published in Journal of Social Policy
2011 overview
Affordable Rents assessment for Cambridge City
Affordable Rents assessment for Cambridge City overview
Cost benefit analysis of lighting adaptations
Cost benefit analysis of lighting adaptations overview
Cost benefit analysis of lighting adaptations
Cost benefit analysis of lighting adaptations overview
Estimating the impacts of the changes in S106 with the introduction of CIL on the quantity of affordable housing delivered
Estimating the impacts of the changes in S106 with the introduction of CIL on the quantity of affordable housing delivered overview
Facing the future: The future role and financing of social housing
Facing the future: The future role and financing of social housing overview
Freedom to succeed: liberating the potential of housing associations
Freedom to succeed: liberating the potential of housing associations overview
Under-occupation and the housing benefit reforms: Four local case studies
Under-occupation and the housing benefit reforms: Four local case studies overview
Full Report
Under-occupation and the new policy framework
Under-occupation and the new policy framework overview
Future investment in affordable housing
Future investment in affordable housing overview
Funding future homes
Funding future homes overview
Executive Summary
Helping inform the Labour Party Housing Review
Helping inform the Labour Party Housing Review overview
Market-pegged rents in the social sector
Market-pegged rents in the social sector overview
Market-pegged social rents & local income distributions
Market-pegged social rents & local income distributions overview
North West Cambridge rent policy
North West Cambridge rent policy overview
Older people’s views of service provision in Cambridge
Older people’s views of service provision in Cambridge overview
Older people’s views of service provision in Cambridge
Older people’s views of service provision in Cambridge overview
Market Intelligence toolkit for Orbit Housing Group
Market Intelligence toolkit for Orbit Housing Group overview
Providing the evidence base for housing needs assessments
Providing the evidence base for housing needs assessments overview
Providing the evidence base for local housing demand and need assessments, Report
Qualitative study on the impact of welfare reforms on Riverside tenants
Qualitative study on the impact of welfare reforms on Riverside tenants overview
Challenging times, changing lives
Challenging times, changing lives overview
Executive Summary
Full Report
The citizen in regulation
The citizen in regulation overview
The Citizen in Regulation: Final Report
The Citizen in Regulation: Final Report overview
Final Report
The contribution and potential of the private residential rental market in New Zealand
The contribution and potential of the private residential rental market in New Zealand overview
The impact of the recent financial crisis on planning for affordable housing in England
The impact of the recent financial crisis on planning for affordable housing in England overview
Capturing planning gain – The transition from Section 106 to the Community Infrastructure Levy
Capturing planning gain – The transition from Section 106 to the Community Infrastructure Levy overview
The role of the planning system in delivering housing choice for older Londoners
The role of the planning system in delivering housing choice for older Londoners overview
The role of the planning system in delivering housing choice for older Londoners, Report
The role of the planning system in delivering housing choice for older Londoners, Report overview
Main Report
Understanding the second-hand market for shared ownership properties
Understanding the second-hand market for shared ownership properties overview
Understanding the second-hand market for shared ownership properties
Understanding the second-hand market for shared ownership properties overview
Executive Summary
Final Report
Cambridge University staff housing survey 2011
Cambridge University staff housing survey 2011 overview
Other Publications
Other Publications overview
Memorandum submitted to the House of Commons Communities & Local Government Select Committee inquiry into the financing of new housing supply
When the personal becomes political: using legal reform to combat violence against women in Ethiopia in Gender Place & Culture
Opportunities for institutional investment in affordable housing
Opportunities for institutional investment in affordable housing overview
Full Report
The Uneven Geography of Participation at the Global Level: Ethiopian Women Activists at the Global Periphery
Complete List of Research
Research Themes
Research Themes overview
About our research themes
Housing Policy, Regulation & Evaluation
Planning Obligations & the Planning System
Housing Need and Supply
The Digital Agenda
Modern Methods of Construction & Offsite Manufacturing
Building Information Modelling
Social Housing
Private Rented Sector
Alternative Models of Housing
Housing in Older Age
Moving House in Older Age
Smart Homes for Older Age
Equality & Improving Outcomes
Communities & Engagement
Publications overview
Journal Articles
All by Year of Publication
All by Year of Publication overview
Staff Projects and Publications
Staff Projects and Publications overview
Dr Gemma Burgess
Dr Gemma Burgess overview
Latest Projects
Latest Publications and Presentations
All Projects
All Publications and Presentations
Dr Richmond Ehwi
Dr Richmond Ehwi overview
Publications and Presentations
Dr Hannah Holmes
Dr Hannah Holmes overview
Publications and Presentations
Dr Katy Karampour
Dr Katy Karampour overview
Publications and Presentations
Dr Sabina Maslova
Dr Sabina Maslova overview
Publications and Presentations
Dr Reyhaneh Shojaei
Dr Reyhaneh Shojaei overview
Publications and Presentations
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The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK - Literature review
Cambridge Centre for Housing & Planning Research
Current & Recent Research
Research Projects by Starting Year
The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK
The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK - Literature review
The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK - Literature review
The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK - Summary and Conclusions
The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK - Overview
The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK - Moving in and out of poverty
The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK - New evidence from housing providers
Presentations from the launch event - November 2016