The Edge Debate: OxMKCam growth corridor symposium
Gemma Burgess gave a presentation at Edge Debate 87: The Oxford – Milton Keynes – Cambridge Growth Corridor. The debate looked at the potential to plan for sustainable growth, making places that work for people.
As one of a number of expert speakers from academia, policy and practice who set the scene for open-ended round table workshops at the debate, Gemma placed the housing needs of the Ox-MK-Cam Growth Corridor in both a national and a local context, and spoke about opportunities and constraints for stakeholders across the housing sector.
Structure and agency: variations in planning outcomes and the delivery of affordable housing in England
Dr Gemma Burgess delivered a presentation on behalf of herself and Sónia Alves at the 4th Annual International Conference on Urban Planning and Property Development in Singapore
Assessing the evidence on rent control from an international perspective
The Residential Landlords Association commissioned an independent review from Peter Williams and Christine Whitehead, both former directors of CCHPR, in the light of the rapid growth in size of the private rented sector.
Michael Oxley: Urban Renewal Policy conference, NRU Moscow
Prof Michael Oxley opened a conference held by the Graduate School of Urbanism, part of the NRU Higher School of Ecoonomics, Moscow in October 2018.
CIH UK Housing Review 2018 Autumn Briefing Paper
The Chartered Institute for Housing has published its ninth briefing paper, complementing the 2018 Housing Review.
Evaluation of Help to Buy equity loan scheme
MHCLG have published 'Evaluation of Help to Buy Equity Loan Scheme 2017', co-authored by Peter Williams.
Performative knowledge and marketplace exclusion
A paper by Gemma Burgess, Mihaela Keleman, Sue Moffat and Elizabeth Parsons has been published by Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal.
Mortgage markets and access to owner occupation for younger households
OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers No. 196: Changes in the regulation and control of mortgage markets and access to owner-occupation among younger households
Universalism vs Particularism
Professor Mike Oxley gave a presentation to an international audience at Université Paris-Est on 13 March 2018.
CIH UK Housing Review 2018
Peter Williams has co-authored a chapter in the UK Housing Review 2018 on 'The realities of assistance to first-time buyers'.
Structural change in the housing & mortgage markets?
'Taking the long view; structural change in the housing and mortgage markets?' by Peter Williams has been published in Issue 353 of Moneyfacts:
Assessing the evidence on Rent Control from an international perspective
Peter Williams, Departmental Fellow, has co-authored a report summarising the findings of a short review of approaches to rent control for the Residential Landlords Association.