The Pocklington Trust commissioned CCHPR to undertake an evaluation of lighting interventions on quality of life and specifically on its impact on reduction of falls amongst recipients.
Meeting the needs of an ageing population is one of the key issues affecting both the housing sector and wider social care agenda in the UK. Increasing numbers of older people wish to remain in their home for as long as possible, and this means there is a growing need for support and adaptations in the home. Sight loss is one difficulty that many older people encounter, and the links between sight loss and other health difficulties, in particular falling in the home, are well-documented. Previous research for the Pocklington Trust highlighted the lack of evidence on outcomes of lighting interventions for partially sighted people.
At the time of the research, Pocklington were engaged with two other charities who were funding pilot schemes of lighting interventions in two or three separate locations. It was estimated that a total of 24 older people living in their own homes will benefit from these interventions.
The aim of the evaluation was to analyse the impact of the interventions generally on quality of life and specifically on reduction of falls amongst recipients. The evaluation was longitudinal in nature and followed the participants for a year from when they first received the interventions to assess their impact on their quality of life.
Evaluation of new lighting intervention schemes being undertaken by benevolent trusts - Project Report
This research, funded by the Thomas Pocklington Trust evaluated the impact of lighting improvements made to the homes of people with sight loss living in London and the North West of England during 2013-15.