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Cambridge Centre for Housing & Planning Research

Read more at: Housing association stock managed pending transfer into ownership

Housing association stock managed pending transfer into ownership

This report used Regulatory and Statistical Return (RSR) data for 2002 to provide some base data on the number of housing associations and units involved in this type of stock management. It broke data down between types and sizes of association to examine which associations were most involved in...

Read more at: Adapt and survive: Housing associations' response to changes in housing policy at the beginning of the new century

Adapt and survive: Housing associations' response to changes in housing policy at the beginning of the new century

Using data from the Regulatory Statistical Return (RSR) and on the profile of new tenants from CORE, this paper examines recent changes in the Housing Association sector and interprets these in the light of changing emphases in government housing policy.

Read more at: Housing association service charges and their relationship to rents

Housing association service charges and their relationship to rents

This project examined housing association service charges and their relationship to rents. Understanding the relationship between rents and service charges is important for all stakeholders in the housing association sector. Tenants need to budget for their housing costs by understanding what...

Read more at: Secondary Analysis of Housing Market Data

Secondary Analysis of Housing Market Data

This short project using secondary data to analyse the role of the social sector in different kinds of housing market was part of a suite of secondary projects commissioned by JRF to inform their thinking about housing markets. The results were presented to the JRF at a special event in York.

Read more at: Planning and market signals

Planning and market signals

This small project was commissioned by DCLG (then ODPM) to assist their thinking in terms of responses to the recommendations of the Barker Review of Housing Supply (2004) which suggested that planners take more notice of market signals when developing their housing policies. It took the form of...

Read more at: Brighton and Hove Housing Research

Brighton and Hove Housing Research

This short piece of work was conducted for Brighton and Hove Unitary Authority to help them to think imaginatively about housing as a barrier to further economic development and how to overcome this. Focus group discussions were held with employees of major companies and a brainstorming session...

Read more at: Evaluation of English housing policy since 1975

Evaluation of English housing policy since 1975

A major research project for DCLG (then ODPM) which was joint with the universities of Glasgow and Heriot Watt. It is organised under five themes, but includes a cross cutting overview summary report which will be widely disseminated as well as a defined, structured analysis of the period.

Read more at: Housing association sector trends

Housing association sector trends

The housing association sector trends project brought together 15 years of data from the Regulatory and Statistical Return, the annual census of housing associations registered with the Tenants Services Authority to form a cohesive relational database. This gives added value to the data as it can...

Read more at: Housing association rents and service charges for supported housing and housing for older people

Housing association rents and service charges for supported housing and housing for older people

Average housing association rents and service charges for the combined categories, supported housing and housing for older people, by local authority area were collected by the Housing Corporation for the first time in 2005. This project looked in detail at these figures.

Read more at: Estimating rates of return on private sector rents

Estimating rates of return on private sector rents

The original reason for this research was to assess the extent to which it would be appropriate to use lower quartile house prices as a surrogate for private rents in regional and local analysis in the light of the difficulties in obtaining Rent Officer Service data on the rents they determine for...

Read more at: Detailed analysis of the current pattern of RSL rents 2007-2009

Detailed analysis of the current pattern of RSL rents 2007-2009

As a baseline of reviewing the rent restructuring regime of 2000, this paper analyses the current pattern of key variables for registered social landlord (RSL) rents at detailed geographical levels. It also assessed current RSL rent patterns in terms of size effects and local effects.

Read more at: Estimating rates of return on social sector rents

Estimating rates of return on social sector rents

This paper analyses the relationship between social sector rents and house prices in order to examine the viability of the sector. Rents are the only form of return available to the social sector landlord (unlike in the private sector where capital gains are relevant).

Read more at: Estimating rates of return on private sector rents: 1996/97 to 2005/06

Estimating rates of return on private sector rents: 1996/97 to 2005/06

This paper analyses the relationship between private sector rents and house prices in order to examine the viability of the sector in that rents are the only form of return available to the private sector landlord.

Read more at: Comparative analysis of private and social sectors’ rates of return 2007-2009

Comparative analysis of private and social sectors’ rates of return 2007-2009

These papers compare the findings on RSL sector and the private rented sector to provide a clear picture of the extent to which rent and rate of return differentials vary by area, type, etc.

Read more at: Guide to local rents 2001-2010

Guide to local rents 2001-2010

Producing a guide to local rents was a Dataspring project funded by the Tenant Services Authority, for which outputs were published from 2001 until 2010. Parts I, II and III together provided the data to undertake comparisons of rents geographically for all three rented sectors (local authority...

Read more at: Overview of availability and quality of Data Sources relevant to the work of the National Housing and Planning Advice Unit (NHPAU)

Overview of availability and quality of Data Sources relevant to the work of the National Housing and Planning Advice Unit (NHPAU)

The National Housing and Planning Advice Unit (NHPAU) was an independent body set up to advise national and local government and other bodies on the affordability of market housing. Its creation followed Kate Barker’s Review of Housing Supply in 2004 and her recommendation for the creation of a...

Read more at: Response to the Housing Green Paper

Response to the Housing Green Paper

The Housing Green Paper was published in 2007. CCHPR was asked to prepare a response on behalf of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Read more at: Evaluation of data sources relevant to the work of the National Housing and Planning Advice Unit

Evaluation of data sources relevant to the work of the National Housing and Planning Advice Unit

This project provided guidance on data sources to regions and local authorities.

Read more at: The UK government national carbon reduction targets and regional housing market dynamics: Compatible or contradictory?

The UK government national carbon reduction targets and regional housing market dynamics: Compatible or contradictory?

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICs) commissioned research from CCHPR with the aim of raising the profile of RICS at a regional level in the policy debates on sustainability and climate change.

Read more at: A review of social housing in Jersey

A review of social housing in Jersey

This project was commissioned by the Housing Department of the States of Jersey to review the need for social housing in Jersey, and to make recommendations on the future ownership and management of the States’ social housing stock.

Read more at: Local authority CORE data imputation and weighting methodology study

Local authority CORE data imputation and weighting methodology study

This research, commissioned by Communities and Local Government, considered how to adjust for missing local authority data within the Continuous Recording of Lettings (LA CORE) system.

Read more at: Comparison of stock, rents and service charges among different types of social landlords

Comparison of stock, rents and service charges among different types of social landlords

This project draws comparisons of stock, rents and service charges between four different types of social landlord; Traditional mixed funded Registered Social Landlords (RSLs); RSLs who have taken over local authority stock via Large Scale Voluntary Transfer; Local authorities (retention LAs); and...

Read more at: Housing association service charges for general needs housing

Housing association service charges for general needs housing

This project examined how service charges applied to general needs stock by housing associations varied between different property types and sizes, and between types of association.

Read more at: Housing benefit changes and their effects on the private rented sector

Housing benefit changes and their effects on the private rented sector

The project looked at the short and longer term influences on the supply of private rented housing to poorer households in Britain. The Government’s emergency budget of June 2010 proposed substantial reductions in the Local Housing Allowance (LHA) payments made to private tenants who cannot afford...

Read more at: Input into the consultation on the abolition of the Regional Spatial Strategies

Input into the consultation on the abolition of the Regional Spatial Strategies

CCHPR were commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation to assist in submitting their consultation response for the inquiry into the abolition of regional spatial strategies. The consultation focussing particularly on the implications for house building.

Read more at: Delivering insights through typologies of place

Delivering insights through typologies of place

The use of place typologies in government policy has been actively promoted by CLG and its predecessor departments for nearly thirty years, with the development of the Index of Local Conditions (later the Index of Local Deprivation and Index of Multiple Deprivation) in 1981. The department made...

Read more at: Economic and social impacts of housing

Economic and social impacts of housing

The Scottish Government commissioned CCHPR to write a literature review on the subject of the social and economic impact of housing.

Read more at: Helping inform the Labour Party Housing Review

Helping inform the Labour Party Housing Review

This comprises six short papers, commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, to help address the questions asked in the Labour Party Housing Review. The papers are on Planning, Places, Housing Supply, Owner Occupation, Social Renting and the Private Rented Sector.

Read more at: Facing the future: The future role and financing of social housing

Facing the future: The future role and financing of social housing

The Housing Futures Network commissioned CCHPR to produce new work looking at the future of the social housing sector. The work looked at the future options for financing the sector, and the implications of the latest policy reforms, including welfare reform, housing benefits and under-occupation.

Read more at: Making best use of a scarce asset: Can we use social housing more efficiently?

Making best use of a scarce asset: Can we use social housing more efficiently?

This project ran throughout 2012 and involved a series of six half-day workshops, attended by social landlords throughout the UK in order to share research evidence and help them to develop their policies and practice in making best use of their housing stock.