Using data from the Regulatory Statistical Return (RSR) and on the profile of new tenants from CORE, this paper examines recent changes in the Housing Association sector and interprets these in the light of changing emphases in government housing policy.
The specific focus is on changes in the distribution of HAs across England and the emergence of particular cohorts within the sector, notably the new HAs set up to receive units transferred under the large-scale voluntary transfer (LSVT) programme, the Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) HAs and the move towards the provision of housing for shared ownership.
Adapt and Survive: Housing Associations' response to changes in housing policy at the beginning of the new century: Dataspring Discussion Paper 5
Using data from the RSR and CORE, this paper examines recent changes in the Housing Association (HA) sector and interprets these in the light of changing emphases in government housing policy.