This project draws comparisons of stock, rents and service charges between four different types of social landlord; Traditional mixed funded Registered Social Landlords (RSLs); RSLs who have taken over local authority stock via Large Scale Voluntary Transfer; Local authorities (retention LAs); and Arms Length Management Organisations (ALMOs).
Comparison of stock, rents and service charges among different types of social landlords: 2008/09
In 2009, Dataspring undertook comparative analyses between these four types of social landlords on stock, rents and service charges. Following that baseline study, this paper updates the analysis and further investigates whether or not substantial differences exist between these landlords. Additional time series analysis has been included to help clarify this.
Comparison of stock, rents and service charges among different types of social landlords - Baseline study: 2007/08
This paper draws comparisons of stock, rents and service charges between four different types of social landlord; Traditional mixed funded Registered Social LandLords (RSLs); RSLs who have taken over local authority stock via Large Scale Voluntary Transfer; Local authorities (retention LAs); and Arms Length Management Organisations (ALMO).