Understanding the likely poverty impacts of the extension of Right to Buy to housing association tenants
This short piece of research, commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation aimed to better understand likely poverty impacts of the extension of Right to Buy to housing associations and the associated sale of higher value local authority stock.
Understanding the likely poverty impacts of the extension of Right to Buy to housing association tenants
This report, commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, examines the impact of the extension of the Right to Buy to housing association tenants, and the sale of higher value local authority dwellings, which will provide the funding for the Right to Buy. The analysis first estimates the likely...
Understanding the likely poverty impacts of the extension of Right to Buy to housing association tenants
This short piece of research, commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation aimed to better understand likely poverty impacts of the extension of Right to Buy to housing associations and the associated sale of higher value local authority stock.
Understanding the likely poverty impacts of the extension of Right to Buy to housing association tenants
This report, commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, examines the impact of the extension of the Right to Buy to housing association tenants, and the sale of higher value local authority dwellings, which will provide the funding for the Right to Buy. The analysis first estimates the likely...
Understanding the likely poverty impacts of the extension of Right to Buy to housing association tenants
This short piece of research, commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation aimed to better understand likely poverty impacts of the extension of Right to Buy to housing associations and the associated sale of higher value local authority stock.
Understanding the role of private renting: a four country case study
The objective of this project, funded by Realdania, was to better understand the incentives and constraints around private rental provision across different institutional, economic and policy frameworks. The research also sought to clarify the factors that might help generate investment in private...
Unfinished business, building an effective safety net for home owners and the housing market
In 2012, the Government was looking to end temporary support measures for home-buyers that were introduced during the economic and housing market downturn, but there had been no progress on agreeing a more effective safety net for the future. This project was commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree...
Unfinished business, building an effective safety net for home owners and the housing market
In 2012, the Government was looking to end temporary support measures for home-buyers that were introduced during the economic and housing market downturn, but there had been no progress on agreeing a more effective safety net for the future. This project was commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree...
Uptake of digital tools in the UK house building sector
Our mini-project for the Centre for Digital Built Britain looked at the uptake of digital tools in the UK house building sector. It provides a ‘state of the nation’ report into the opportunities and barriers to the uptake of the digital tools, standards and processes that are collectively known as...
Using household income data at micro-level to aid social housing providers’ decisions on affordable rents levels, ‘pay-to-stay’ and other market-based policies
This project aimed to increase the usage of our recent research to develop an optimal method to estimate household income distributions at the very local level.
Using household income data at micro-level to aid social housing providers’ decisions on affordable rents levels, ‘pay-to-stay’ and other market-based policies
This project aimed to increase the usage of our recent research to develop an optimal method to estimate household income distributions at the very local level.
Using incentives to improve the private rented sector for people in poverty
The Joseph Rowntree Foundation commissioned CCHPR to investigate how to improve the English private rented sector as a source of accommodation for people in poverty. The project explored whether taxation could be used to incentivise private landlords to improve the affordability, conditions or...
Using incentives to improve the private rented sector for people in poverty
The Joseph Rowntree Foundation commissioned CCHPR to investigate how to improve the English private rented sector as a source of accommodation for people in poverty. The project explored whether taxation could be used to incentivise private landlords to improve the affordability, conditions or...
Validation of an objectively assessed housing need for West Oxfordshire Council
West Oxfordshire Council commissioned CCHPR to validate projections of housing need in the selected local authority areas up to 2031, which was set out the Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA).
Value for money assessment of Lincolnshire Home Improvement Agency's housing options service
CCHPR was commissioned to undertake a simple value for money assessment of Linconshire's Home Improvement Agency's Housing Options advice service, to use in informing future funding for the service. Funding for the service has been provided by Lincolnshire County Council and FirstStop. CCHPR is...
Value for Money of s106 in Providing Additional Affordable Housing
This study was commissioned by DCLG (then ODPM) as a parallel to the work on s106 and SHG funded by JRF and TSA (then the Housing Corporation). The work involved analysis of TSA and DCLG data, case studies, interviews with developers and housing associations and analysis of site specific financial...
CCHPR participated in a collaborative project entitled Research into the Incidence and Value of S106 and CIL. Led by the University of Liverpool, the project was funded by the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government.
CCHPR participated in a collaborative project entitled Research into the Incidence and Value of S106 and CIL. Led by the University of Liverpool, the project was funded by the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government.
This project for Communities and Local Government built on two previous studies valuing planning obligations in England in 2003-04 and 2005-06. The study aimed to estimate the total number of agreements and obligations in 2007-08 and their value.
Valuing success: A case study of Emmaus Village Carlton
CCHPR updated the evaluation methodology and evidence on the success of the Emmaus approach, this time using Emmaus Village Carlton as a case study. The project’s aim was to determine the cost effectiveness of the Emmaus Village Carlton Community including the economic value of their outputs and...
CCHPR provided specialist input to IPSOS MORI as part of an extended piece of work for the National Housing Federation, looking at the impact of current welfare reforms on housing associations and their tenants.
West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy revisions – Re-run of the affordable housing figures
CCHPR carried out a series of re-runs of the affordable housing calculations for the West Midlands Regional Assembly to support its work as Regional Housing and Planning Body.
As part of a suite of research to understand regional housing markets, this study was commissioned with the intention of demonstrating the importance of social rented housing to help to sustain services and community in rural villages.
The Wylfa Newydd Housing Study (Stage 1), commissioned by the Isle of Anglesey County Council and undertaken by CCHPR, reviewed Horizon Nuclear Power’s Construction Worker Accommodation Strategy. It identified the key issues and impacts of the proposed development, and outlined the measures...