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Cambridge Centre for Housing & Planning Research


CCHPR's publications during 2014.

Read more at: Unfinished business, building an effective safety net for home owners and the housing market

Unfinished business, building an effective safety net for home owners and the housing market

In 2012, the Government was looking to end temporary support measures for home-buyers that were introduced during the economic and housing market downturn, but there had been no progress on agreeing a more effective safety net for the future. This project was commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree...

Read more at: Use of the Existing Housing Stock in the South East, Report

Use of the Existing Housing Stock in the South East, Report

This report was commissioned by the South East England Regional Assembly. It analyses the ways in which the existing housing stock is used presently and how this might change over the next twenty years.

Read more at: Valuing Success: A Case Study of Emmaus Village Carlton, Report

Valuing Success: A Case Study of Emmaus Village Carlton, Report

This study was an economic evaluation of Emmaus Village Carlton as a social enterprise. This report summarises the context and findings of an investigation into the costs and benefits of running a social enterprise as part of a unique organisation working with homeless people, concentrating...

Read more at: West Midlands Rural Housing Report

West Midlands Rural Housing Report

As part of a suite of research to understand regional housing markets, this study was commissioned with the intention of demonstrating the importance of social rented housing to help to sustain services and community in rural villages.

Read more at: What does the literature tell us about the social and economic impact of housing? Report to the Scottish Government: Communities Analytical Services

What does the literature tell us about the social and economic impact of housing? Report to the Scottish Government: Communities Analytical Services

The Scottish Government commissioned CCHPR to write a literature review on the subject of the social and economic impact of housing.

Read more at: Who moves and where? A comparison of housing association tenants in London and northern regions: Sector Study 40

Who moves and where? A comparison of housing association tenants in London and northern regions: Sector Study 40

This Sector Study focuses on the London region and sets out the currently available evidence on who intends and expects to move, where and why? It also goes on to look at mobility schemes and how well they are working to help people realise their aspirations.

Read more at: Who moves and why? Patterns of mobility in the housing association sector in London: Sector Study 25

Who moves and why? Patterns of mobility in the housing association sector in London: Sector Study 25

This study aims to assess evidence on the extent to which households in the social sector in London are prepared to move together with the attributes of households and dwellings that help to determine their attitudes and requirements. The results show that mobility in the social sector in London is...

Read more at: Why do neighbourhoods stay poor? Deprivation, place and people in Birmingham

Why do neighbourhoods stay poor? Deprivation, place and people in Birmingham

Report of a two-year study into the persistence of concentrated poverty in neighbourhoods in Birmingham, looking at the role of housing, migration and economic restructuring.

Read more at: Women’s Design Group Project Evaluation

Women’s Design Group Project Evaluation

The Women's Design Service was funded to run a project by London Councils (2008-2011) to set up Women's Design Groups (WDG) across twelve London Boroughs. The aim of the Groups was “to increase community engagement and participation in local and regional planning and policy development”.