Professor Michael Oxley held the office of Director of the University of Cambridge Centre for Housing Planning Research (CCHPR) from 2014 to 2017. Prior to this, he was Professor of Housing at De Montfort University and a visiting Research Fellow at Delft University of Technology. He has published widely in the field of housing policy and housing finance, including work on investment in social housing both in the UK and internationally. His book Economics, Planning and Housing is used on many university courses ( He is a co author of Bridging the Gap Between Social and Market Rented Housing in Six European Countries? ( Professor Oxley has led research projects for many funders including ESRC, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, central and local government and UN Habitat.
Tang, C., Oxley, M. and Mekic, D. (2017) ‘Meeting commercial and social goals: institutional investment in the housing association sector’, Housing Studies, 32:4, 411-427, DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2016.1210098
- Oxley, M and Williams, P (2016) ‘Funding affordable housing: a rapid and concise review’. Housing Finance International 30 (4), 24-27.
- Haffner, M, Hoekstra, J, Tang, C and Oxley, M (2016) ‘Exploring institutional investment in social rental housing in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and France’. Housing Finance International 30 (4), 28-34.
- Clarke, A, Hamilton, C, Jones, M, Oxley, M and Udagawa, C (2016) The role of housing and housing providers in tackling poverty experienced by young people in the UK: Summary and Conclusions. Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research.
- Clarke, A, Hill L, Marshall, B, Oxley, M, Pereira, I, Thompson, E and Williams, P (2015) Evaluation of removal of the spare room subsidy: final report. Department for Work and Pensions.
- Clarke, A, Jones, M, Oxley, M and Udagawa, C (2015) Understanding the likely poverty impacts of the extension of Right to Buy to housing association tenants. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Clarke, A, Morris, S, Oxley, M, Udagawa, C and Williams, P (2015) The effects of rent controls on supply and markets. Shelter.
- Hoekstra, J and Oxley, M (2014) ‘Fiscale stimulansen zorgen voor investeringen in franse particuliere huursector’. Tijdschrift voor de Volkshuisvesting 4.
- Oxley, M (2014) Review of Forrest, R and Yip, N (eds) Young people and housing: transitions, trajectories and generational fractures. International Journal of Housing Policy 14 (1), 107-09.
- Heijden, HMH van der, Elsinga, M, Haffner, MEA & Oxley, MJ (2013). Competition and non-profits in an integrated rental market. In West European housing systems in a comparative perspective (pp. 141-161). Amsterdam: IOS Press.
- Hoekstra, JSCM, Haffner, MEA, Heijden, HMH van der & Oxley, MJ (2012). Private rental landlords: Europe. In SJ Smith, M Elsinga, L Fox O'Mahony, O Seow Eng, S Wachter & G Wood (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home (pp. 387-392). Oxford: Elsevier Science.
- Lennartz, C, Haffner, MEA & Oxley, MJ (2012). Competition between social and market renting: a theoretical application of the Structure-Conduct-Performance paradigm. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 27(4), 453-471.
- Oxley, MJ & Haffner, MEA (2012). Comparative housing research. In SJ Smith, M Elsinga, L Fox O'Mahony, O Seow Eng, S Wachter & K Gibb (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home (Vol. 12) (pp. 199-209). Oxford: Elsevier.
- Heijden, HMH van der, Dol, CP & Oxley, MJ (2011). Western European housing systems and the impact of the international financial crisis. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 26(3), 295-313.
- Oxley, MJ, Brown, T, Haffner, MEA, Hoekstra, JSCM & Lishman, R (2011). Using the private rented sector as a form of social housing. In B Jordan, A Hayden & J Rugg (Eds.), New projects and emerging themes in private rented markets research (pp. 1-22). Granada: ENHR Working Group Private Rented Markets.
- Dol, CP, Heijden, HMH van der & Oxley, MJ (2010). Crisis and policy interventions in Western European housing markets: do specific housing systems reduce the impact of the crisis? In R Ronald, E Vogels & M Elsinga (Eds.), (pp. 1-15). Delft: ENHR Working group on comparative housing policy and Asia - Pacific network for housing research.
- Dol, CP, Heijden, HMH van der & Oxley, MJ (2010). Economische crisis, woningmarkt en beleidsinterventies; een internationale inventarisatie. Delft: Onderzoeksinstituut OTB.
- Haffner, MEA, Hoekstra, JSCM, Oxley, MJ & Heijden, HMH van der (2010). Conceptual issues in comparing private renting across countries. In S.n. (Ed.), (pp. 1-21). S.l.: S.n..
- Haffner, MEA & Oxley, MJ (2010). Private sector involvement in social rented housing. In R Ronald, E Vogels & M Elsinga (Eds.), Comparative Housing Research - Approaches and Policy: Challenges in a New International Era (pp. 1-15). Delft: OTB Research Institute for the Buillt Environment.
- Haffner, MEA & Oxley, MJ (2010). Private sector involvement in social rented housing: England and Germany compared. In B Randolph, T Burke, K Hulse & V Milligan (Eds.), Refereed papers presented at the 4th Australasian Housing Researchers Conference (pp. 1-12). Sydney: City Futures Research Centre, University of New South Wales.
- Haffner, MEA, Hoekstra, JSCM, Oxley, MJ & Heijden, HMH van der (2010). Universalistic, particularistic and middle way approaches to comparing the private rental sector. International Journal of Housing Policy, 10(4), 357-377.
- Lawson, JM, Haffner, MEA & Oxley, MJ (2010). Comparative housing research in the new millennium: methodological and theoretical contributions from the first decade. In B Randolph, T Burke, K Hulse & V Milligan (Eds.), Refereed papers presented at the 4th Australian Housing Researchers Conference (pp. 1-17). Sydney: City Futures Research Centre, University of New South Wales.
- Oxley, MJ, Elsinga, M, Haffner, MEA & Heijden, HMH van der (2010). Competition and social rented housing. Housing, Theory and Society, 27(4), 332-350.
- Oxley, MJ & Haffner, MEA (2010). Housing taxation and the subsidies: international comparisons and the options for reform. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Oxley, MJ, Lishman, R, Brown, T, Haffner, MEA & Hoekstra, JSCM (2010). Promoting investment in private rented housing supply. International policy comparisons. London: Department for Communities and Local Government.
- Oxley, MJ, Haffner, MEA, Hoekstra, JSCM & Heijden, HMH van der (2010). Universalistic, particularistic and middle way approaches to comparing the private rental sector. In R Ronald, E Vogels & M Elsinga (Eds.), Comparative Housing Research - Approaches and Policy: Challenges in a New International Era (pp. 1-21). Delft: OTB Research Institute for Housing, Urban and Mobility Studies.
- Dol, CP, Hoekstra, JSCM & Oxley, MJ (2009). Inventarisatie crisismaatregelen op de woningmarkt in negen Wes-Europese landen. Delft: Onderzoeksinstituut OTB.
- Elsinga, M, Haffner, MEA, Heijden, HMH van der & Oxley, MJ (2009). How can competition in the social rental housing in England and the Netherlands be measured? European Journal of Housing Policy, 9(2), 153-176.
- Haffner, MEA, Hoekstra, JSCM, Oxley, MJ & Heijden, HMH van der (2009). Bridging the gap between social and market rented housing in six European countries? Amsterdam: IOS Press.
- Haffner, MEA & Oxley, MJ (2009). Private sector involvement in social rented housing: Germany and England compared. In T Burke, R Chiu & B Randolph (Eds.), 2009 Housing Researchers Conference. The first combined conference of the 4th Australian Housing Researchers Conference and the 7th Asia-Pacific Network for Housing Research (pp. 1-12). Melbourne/Sydney: Institute for Social Research, Swinebourne University of Technology, Melbourne and City Futures Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney.
- Haffner, MEA, Hoekstra, JSCM, Oxley, MJ & Heijden, HMH van der (2009). Substitutability between social and market renting in four European countries. European Journal of Housing Policy, 9(3), 241-258.
- Lawson, JM, Haffner, MEA & Oxley, MJ (2009). Comparative housing research in the new millenium: methodological and theoretical contributions from the first decade. In RLH Chiu & B Randolph (Eds.), (pp. 1-12). S.l.: S.n..
- Lennartz, C, Haffner, MEA & Oxley, MJ (2009). The meaning of competition between social and market rented housing. In M Lux, L Sýkora & O Poláková (Eds.), Changing Housing Markets: Integration and Segmentation (pp. 1-21). Prague: The Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Department of Social Geography Charles University and Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, University of Economics.
- Oxley, MJ (2009). Financing affordable social housing. Nairobi: Un Habitat.
- Oxley, MJ, Brown, T, Nadin, V, Qu, L, Tummers, LC & Fernandez Maldonado, AM (2009). Review of European Planning Systems. London, UK: National Housing Planning Advice Unit, Departement of Communities and Local Government UK.
- Haffner, MEA, Heijden, HMH van der, Oxley, MJ & Hoekstra, JSCM (2008). The relationship between social and market renting in several countries in Europe. In M Norris & D Silke (Eds.), Shrinking Cities, Sprawling Suburbs, Changing Countrysides (pp. 1-18). Dublin, Ireland: University College of Dublin and Centre for Housing Research.
- Heijden, HMH van der, Elsinga, M, Haffner, MEA & Oxley, MJ (2008). Competition and nonprofits in integrated and dual rental systems. In M Norris & D Silke (Eds.), Shrinking Cities, Sprawling Suburbs, Changing Countrysides (pp. 1-18). Dublin, Ireland: University of Dublin and Centre for Housing Research.
- Oxley, MJ, Brown, T, Lishman, R & Richardson, J (2008). Black and minority ethnic communities in the East Midlands: a strategy for the region. Leicester, UK: National Housing Federation: East Midlands.
- Oxley, MJ, Elsinga, M, Haffner, MEA & Heijden, HMH van der (2008). Competition and social housing in Europe. Economic Affairs, 2008(8/2), 31-36.
- Oxley, MJ, Elsinga, M, Haffner, MEA & Heijden, HMH van der (2008). Competition and the regulation of social housing: a theoretical and comparative perspective. In s.n. (Ed.), (pp. 1-21). Istanbul: ENHR.
- Oxley, MJ (2007). Decent homes for all [Book review Decent Homes for All: Planning's evolving role in housing provision]. European Journal of Housing Policy, 2007(7/4), 478-480.
- Oxley, MJ (2008). Financing social housing in Europe and some issues for developing countries. In s.n. (Ed.), (pp. 1-21). s.l.: s.n..
- Oxley, MJ (2008). Housing contemporary Ireland [Book review Housing Contemporary Ireland: Policy, Society, Shelter]. European Journal of Housing Policy, 2008(8/1), 99-101.
- Oxley, MJ (2008). Implicit land taxation and affordable housing provision in England. Housing Studies, 2008(23/4), 661-671.
- Oxley, MJ (2008). Private public partnerships for affordable housing. Presentatie op UN-HABITAT World Urban Forum IV: Nanjing, China (2008, November 3 - 2008, November 6).
- Oxley, MJ, Brown, T, Lishman, R & Turkington, R (2008). Rapid evidence assessment of the research literature on the purchase and use of second homes. Titchfield, England: National Housing and Planning Advice Unit.
- Oxley, MJ, Brown, T, Camp, S, Doran, D, Levis, J, Line, B, Lishman, R & Turkington, R (2008). Review of practice in the use of section 106 agreements to facilitate the delivery of affordable housing in the East Midlands. Leicestershire, UK: East Midland Regional Assembly.
- Elsinga, M, Haffner, MEA, Heijden, HMH van der & Oxley, MJ (2007). How competitive is social rental housing in England and the Netherlands? In P Boelhouwer, D Groetelaers & E Vogels (Eds.), ENHR Sustainable Urban Areas (pp. 1-22). Delft: ENHR / Onderzoeksinstituut OTB.
- Oxley, MJ (2007). Aide à la pierre ou aide à la personne: comment faire le bon choix? Habitat et Societe, 47, 6-12.
- Oxley, MJ (2007). Book review: decent homes for all: Planning's evolving role in housing provision [Book review Decent homes for all: Planning's evolving role in housing provision]. European Journal of Housing Policy, 7(4), 478-480.
- Oxley, MJ, Elsinga, M, Haffner, MEA & Heijden, HMH van der (2007). Competition and social rented housing. In M Stephens & M Norris (Eds.), ENHR comparative housing policy workshop (pp. 1-28). Dublin: Center for Housing Policy, University of York.
- Oxley, MJ (2007). Planning reforms in the UK. Architecture, City and Environment, 1(3), 366-367.
- Oxley, MJ (2007). Social housing versus housing allowances: what determines the result? In P Boelhouwer, D Groetelaers & E Vogels (Eds.), ENHR Sustainable Urban Areas (pp. 1-14). Delft: ENHR/Onderzoeksinstituut OTB.
- Oxley, MJ (2006). Housing economics and housing policy: a European perspective. In B Cernic Mali & et. al. (Eds.), ENHR conference 2006: Housing in an expanding Europe. Theory, policy, implementation and participation (pp. 1-14). Ljubljana, Slovenia: Urban planning institute of the republic of Slovenia.
- Oxley, MJ (2006). The gain from the planning gain supplement: a consideration of the proposal for a tax to boost housing supply in the UK. European Journal of Housing Policy, 6(1), 101-113.