Contributing to the political debate on planning and affordable housing
This project, commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation aimed to understand in more detail the range of instruments that are proposed as means of achieving both local empowerment and higher levels of market and affordable housing and to clarify the potential benefits and costs of moving to a...
This project involved conducting a cost benefit analysis of lighting adaptations for the Thomas Pocklington Trust, a charity providing housing, care and support for people with sight loss in the UK. The output compares the costs of lighting adaptations to estimates of the costs of falls by elderly...
Delivering affordable housing through s106: outputs and outcomes
There is anecdotal evidence that what is finally delivered on the ground through s106 may be different from what was originally negotiated – for example, a large site may be broken up and sold to different developers who may re-negotiate the S106 affordable housing provision. The project aimed to...
Delivering affordable housing through the planning system in Wales
This project involved organising three training seminars in North and South Wales in May 2007 to inform local authority officers about the suite of material produced by the Welsh Assembly Government designed to improve their delivery of affordable housing through the planning system. A report on...
The use of place typologies in government policy has been actively promoted by CLG and its predecessor departments for nearly thirty years, with the development of the Index of Local Conditions (later the Index of Local Deprivation and Index of Multiple Deprivation) in 1981. The department made...
Dementia and sight loss: Developing social care practice in different housing settings
This project, funded by the National Institute for Health Research sought to develop best practice in social care and support for people with dementia and sight loss in a range of housing settings. The research was led by York University and CCHPR led the element of the study on the costs of care...
This project sought to assemble a coherent evidence place on where deprivation is experienced in Suffolk, how it is concentrated and where it may be hard to identify. It built on an assumption that deprivation can be material, physical or social and may be obscured by being concentrated in certain...
Joseph Rowntree Foundation and CHS Group have commissioned CCHPR to explore how CHS Group can set rents that are genuinely affordable for its clients. This research will inform CHS’s policy on rent setting beyond 2020 and, at this opportune time, provide an opportunity to influence sector thinking...
Joseph Rowntree Foundation and CHS Group have commissioned CCHPR to explore how CHS Group can set rents that are genuinely affordable for its clients. This research will inform CHS’s policy on rent setting beyond 2020 and, at this opportune time, provide an opportunity to influence sector thinking...
The Centre for Digital Built Britain (CDBB) commissioned CCHPR to establish a network of academics, practitioners, policy makers and government to determine the key areas of inquiry in relation to residential housing and DBB. An evidence base was established in order to scope out a research...
The aim of this research, funded by the Centre for Digital Built Britain, was to understand how digital technology is being used to enable new forms of shared living in the private rented sector. With a focus on the use of digital technology in shared rented accommodation, the research investigated...
Domestic violence - assistance for adults without dependant children
Communities and Local Government commissioned Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research to carry out research on housing support for people at risk of domestic violence.
The Pocklington Trust commissioned CCHPR to evaluate the Visionary Development Fund’s project: Early Support in Essex. This project aimed to improve referral to services for elderly people with sight loss in Essex.
Estimated net income distribution of working households by household type and locality
This project estimated working households’ net income distributions at local authority level. 'Net income' was defined as income excluding income-related benefits – most notably, Housing Benefit.
Estimated net income distribution of working households by household type and locality
This project estimated working households’ net income distributions at local authority level. 'Net income' was defined as income excluding income-related benefits – most notably, Housing Benefit.
Estimating rates of return on private sector rents
The original reason for this research was to assess the extent to which it would be appropriate to use lower quartile house prices as a surrogate for private rents in regional and local analysis in the light of the difficulties in obtaining Rent Officer Service data on the rents they determine for...
Estimating rates of return on private sector rents: 1996/97 to 2005/06
This paper analyses the relationship between private sector rents and house prices in order to examine the viability of the sector in that rents are the only form of return available to the private sector landlord.
This paper analyses the relationship between social sector rents and house prices in order to examine the viability of the sector. Rents are the only form of return available to the social sector landlord (unlike in the private sector where capital gains are relevant).
Estimating the impacts of the changes in S106 with the introduction of CIL on the quantity of affordable housing delivered
This project, conducted jointly with the University of Sheffield, estimated the impacts of the changes in Section 106 (S106), with the introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL, on the quantity of affordable housing delivered for the National Housing Federation.
Estimating the scale of youth homelessness in the UK
Centrepoint, the youth homeless charity, commissioned CCHPR to calculate up to date estimates of the number of young people experiencing homelessness in the UK during a year.
Evaluating the choice based lettings pilots in England
This was a major project commissioned by DCLG to evaluate the 27 Choice Based Lettings pilots in England. The project was led by the School for Policy Studies at Bristol University, and the project report was published by DCLG (then ODPM).
Evaluating the Women’s Design Group project for the Women’s Design Service
This project evaluated the Women’s Design Group project for the Women’s Design Service, reflecting on the success of the project and making recommendations for taking the initiative forward.
A major research project for DCLG (then ODPM) which was joint with the universities of Glasgow and Heriot Watt. It is organised under five themes, but includes a cross cutting overview summary report which will be widely disseminated as well as a defined, structured analysis of the period.