Regional Assessment of the Need for Intermediate Housing
This research developed a methodology for estimating the future need for intermediate market housing – housing that is affordable to those who cannot access market housing but who could afford to pay more than social housing rents. Not all households in the relevant income bracket would want...
Registered social landlords and changes in rent: Sector Study 1
The third annual analysis of registered social landlords' performance in limiting rent increases. It is also the first in the series of Sector Studies (Research and Good Practice).
Renting in the Downturn: Assessing the Impact of the Economic Downturn on Renters and the Rented Sectors
This report was produced for the Housing Markets and Analysis (HAS) Expert Panel which provides research and advice to the Department for Communities and Local Government. It looks at the impact of the downturn on the rental sectors of the housing market, both private and social. It looks at...
Rents and rates of return in the housing association and private sectors 1998/99 to 2007/08
The report examines rental rates of return in the housing association sector as compared to those observed in the private rented sector between 1998/99 and 2007/08 at national as well as at lower geographical levels.
Rents Briefing Paper Four: Understanding the rent-restructuring formula for housing association target rents
This Briefing Paper seeks to give a better understanding of how the rent-restructuring formula works in practice. It examines the three elements of the rent restructuring formula: relative property values, relative average earnings, and the bedsize weight.
Rents Briefing Paper Two: The spatial pattern of target rents and their relationship with actual rents, 2002/03
This Briefing Paper describes the spatial pattern of target rents across England and the extent to which target rents differ from actual rents. It also assesses whether the patterns vary across property sizes and across HA size, as well as across regions and districts.
Research into underoccupation in the East of England
This report, commissioned by the National Housing Federation Eastern Region, presents the findings from research into underoccupation in the East of England. The project comprised a review of the literature and current research, interviews with local stakeholders and a web based survey of all...
The aim of this research was to analyse the nature of planning constraints on the provision of housing. The research was commissioned by the House of Commons Communities and Local Government Committee.
Residential mobility of social tenants and households entering Low Cost Home Ownership (LCHO): A comparison of London and the Northern Regions: Dataspring Report 10
This report compares the residential mobility of social tenants and households entering LCHO in London with mobility in the northern regions of England.
Response to the CLG Select Committee Inquiry on the abolition of regional spatial strategies for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation
The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) submitted a response to the CLG Committee’s Inquiry into the abolition of regional spatial strategies. This response was drafted on behalf of JRF by Gemma Burgess, Sarah Monk and Christine Whitehead, CCHPR, University of Cambridge, and Alison Bailey, Consultant...
RSR Briefing paper 4: Stock adaptations and dwellings provided for tenants with support needs
A paper outlining the main changes in RSL stock adaptations for older people and people with physical disabilities and in the numbers of dwellings provided for tenants with support needs in England since 1989.
This research was funded by the Commission for Rural Communities in order to improve understanding of likely future changes in housing markets in rural areas in England in the wider context of changing housing market pressures and government policies on affordable housing and Housing Benefit. It...
Sector Study 43: The wider role of housing associations: further evidence
This Sector Study aims to give a better understanding of the range of activities that housing associations are involved in and to assess the relationship between such activities and organisational structure.
Shelter commissioned an update of their major Housing Investment Project originally completed and published in 2000. The findings were used to feed into government consultation on the 2004 Comprehensive Spending Review. The report was published by Shelter in hard copy only.
Sight loss is not life loss: Evaluation for Southampton Sight
The Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research at the University of Cambridge has undertaken an independent evaluation of the Sight Loss is not Life Loss project. The evaluation found that the project is helping to reduce social isolation and to support people in maintaining their...
Social housing in the East: Challenges for the region and implications for the UK
This report informed the strategic thinking of national and local government and the social housing sector. It also aimed to build public understanding of the key challenges and opportunities that the region would face in the future.
This project was commissioned by the Welsh Assembly Government to collect data on the actual rents and service charges charged by every significant social landlord in Wales (22 local authorities and 33 housing associations), to establish the basis of each landlord’s policy for setting rents and the...
Source Document - Understanding demographic, spatial and economic impacts on future affordable housing demand
The research uses both primary and secondary data to understand how demographic, spatial and economic changes will impact on affordable housing demand now and in the future (over the next 5 / 10 / 20 years).
South East regional assembly: South East plan research reports
This is a follow on to a previous study which outlined a methodology for assessing housing need in the South East region. There are two small projects: one producing an estimate of newly arising demand and need and one an estimate of unmet current housing need. It covers sub-regions as well as the...
Stock Managed Pending Transfer into Ownership: Addressing Delays
Following on from Phase I the research team determined why stock transfer had not taken place by managing HAs and identified barriers to stock transfer that both BME and mainstream HAs were facing.
Stock Managed Pending Transfer into Ownership: Sector Study 31
This report uses Regulatory and Statistical Return (RSR) data for 2002 to provide some base data on the number of Housing Associations and units involved in this type of stock management. It breaks data down between types and sizes of HA to examine which HAs are most involved in this type of stock...