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Cambridge Centre for Housing & Planning Research


This project looked at the affordability in the housing associating (HA) sector. It also compared the position of HA tenants with those in the private rented and owner-occupier sector.

The project examined at the spatial patterns of affordability in the Registered Social Landlord (RSL) sector by rent/income ratios and residual income approach. Various data sources were used to compare the affordability position of RSL new and existing tenants. It also compared the position of HA tenants with those in the private rental and the lower-end of the owner-occupied sector.

Cross tenure rents and affordability 2008/09 update

This paper looks at the regional pattern of rents over the period 2002/03 to 2008/09 in the local authority, housing association, private rented and owner occupier sectors.

Affordability of Housing Association Rents: Rent-to-Income Ratio vs. Residual Income

This paper examines residual income measures to investigate the impact of housing association rents on individual household’s capacity to afford an adequate standard of living.

Cross tenure rents and affordability 2007/08 update

This briefing paper examines affordability in the housing association (HA) sector over the period 2002/03–2007/08. It also compares the position of HA tenants with those in the private rented and owner-occupier sectors.

Changing Affordability across the Major Tenures, 2002/03–2006/07

This briefing paper examines the affordability in the housing associating (HA) sector over the period 2002/03–2006/07. It also compares the position of HA tenants with those in the private rented and owner-occupier sector.

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For more information, please contact the Administrator.


Tenant Services Authority

Project Start Date

1st July 2008