This project explored how Section 106 (S106) is working on the ground to deliver affordable housing against an uncertain and changing policy background. It is the full report of the ‘Findings’ published by the JRF in December 2007.
This report was part of a two stage project to explore how S106 is working in practice to deliver affordable housing. The first stage was funded by the RICS and involved a literature review, email survey of local planning authorities and telephone interviews with a sub-sample of authorities to explore policy and outcomes of S106 for affordable housing. The final report, The Provision of Affordable Housing Through Section 106: the situation in 2007. RICS Research Paper Series Vol 7 No 14, is available on this website and was published in 2007.
The second stage of the project was funded by the JRF and involved detailed case studies of five local authorities to explore the use of S106 for affordable housing provision in more detail. The studies showed that whilst local authorities are delivering affordable housing through S106, policy and practice varies significantly.