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Cambridge Centre for Housing & Planning Research


Research evaluating NROSH was carried out since the end of 2004 and continued until 2006. In March 2005 a document was submitted to the TSA outlining the similarities and differences in definitions used by the RSR and proposed by NROSH, whilst outlining the principles that may be applied when comparing NROSH and the RSR. A further report was submitted in May 2005 via TSA to DCLG setting out appropriate and acceptable tolerance levels if NROSH is to be used as a viable alternative to the RSR.

Data taken from NROSH were aggregated into a dummy RSR during August/September 2005. Data from HAs that volunteered for the pilot NROSH were compared to the data received via their RSR 2005 to examine where discrepancies occurred. A summary paper was produced outlining the data findings for the NROSH Board. Further, data from HAs that volunteered for the pilot NROSH were compared to the data received via their RSR 2005 to examine where discrepancies occurred. Where differences in data were unexplained further research was conducted with the pilot HAs to find out why the data differed. Findings from the research will enable a decision on whether NROSH constitutes an acceptable substitute for the Housing Corporation’s regulatory purposes.