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Cambridge Centre for Housing & Planning Research

Why do house building levels vary from place to place?

CCHPR has examined the evidence for the assertion that some locations have much higher levels of house building than others. Here we present some basic data. CHHPR intends to carry out further work to explore the reasons for the variations.


A CCHPR workshop on affordable housing was run with assistance from the Cambridge Centre for Science and Policy at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, in October last year. Seventeen high profile policy and housing experts attended. A question that emerged in discussion at the workshop was “Why do house building levels (for all types of housing – not just affordable housing) vary so much from place to place”?

CCHPR subsequently agreed to look at the evidence base for the assertion that some locations have much higher levels of house building than others. Here we present some basic data to support the proposition that house building rates do indeed show large geographical variations within England.  CCHPR intends, subject to the provision of appropriate funding, to carry out further work to explore the reasons for the variations. 

Please click here to download the report