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Cambridge Centre for Housing & Planning Research


The aim of this research was to analyse the nature of planning constraints on the provision of housing. The research was commissioned by the House of Commons Communities and Local Government Committee.

There remains a perception that planning is a major constraint on development and on the confidence to put in applications that will both meet a local authority’s planning requirements and achieve a speedy outcome. There is also a perception that the effectiveness of the planning system varies significantly between apparently similar authorities.

Identifying the pinch points is core to improving land and housing supply. The analysis will undertake case study research across comparable local authorities by tracing the processes from the developer’s decision to put forward an application through to the start of construction using actual examples.

Research on the nature of planning constraints

The aim of this research was to analyse the nature of planning constraints on the provision of housing. The research was commissioned by the House of Commons Communities and Local Government Committee.

CCHPR Contact


House of Commons Communities and Local Government Committee

Project Start Date

6th January 2014