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Cambridge Centre for Housing & Planning Research


The Mixed Communities Initiative involves a set of twelve neighbourhood renewal demonstration projects across England. The MCI projects are seeking to develop comprehensive approaches to neighbourhood renewal through major changes to the housing stock, tenure and income mix, improvements to the environment, and action to reduce worklessness and crime. Whilst previous housing and regeneration programmes have included tenure and income diversification, the MCI aims to do this further and faster to achieve genuine and sustainable change in disadvantaged areas. 

CCHPR, with the Institute of Education, the London School of EconomicsWarwick Business School and the consultancy Shared Intelligence is carrying out an evaluation of the Mixed Communities Demonstration Projects.The evaluation is intended to clarify and evaluate the objectives of the projects, assess the reasons why the projects have or have not been successful in meeting their aims, and develop indicators and transferable lessons. The first phase of the evaluation runs from 2006 to 2009 and is being funded by the Department for Communities and Local Government. 

The baseline report from the MCI evaluation has now been published on CLG's website. This describes the overall objectives of Mixed Communities Initiative and describes the context, objectives and current work of the individual demonstration projects. 

Included in the Final Report below, there is a ZIP file containing additional data produced by the evaluation. These include:

* More detailed write-ups of each the case study demonstration projects
* Baseline data on selected indicators for all the DPs
* Reports from process studies on topics of common concern for mixed communities interventions